


  Hello, everyone

  Ah, the breeze is so comfortable on my face. Do you know what the smell is?Guess, the smell of grass and peach blossom are all right. They are all thesmell of Shanghai and the foreign atmosphere of Shanghai. You know more or less.Stories and legends about Shanghai, celebrities, TV and movies, cultural relicsand historic sites, in everyone's mind, the image of Shanghai is just likeCheung's cheongsam in the mood for love, with different customs.

  Now I will describe this kind of Cheongsam in my heart!

  Shanghai has a quality that no city can match, that is, its "foreignstyle". Since 1843, the imperialist powers have settled in Shanghai, which hasformed its characteristics of embracing all rivers and blending Chinese andWestern cultures. We will never forget it, In the golden autumn of 20__, theheads of state in Tang costume attended the APEC meeting held in Shanghai. Whycan't they forget? What attracts everyone's attention is not only the Tangcostume made of high-quality Jiangnan Silk, but also because Shanghai has becomean international economic, financial and trade center and a large port city inthe new century.

  In twenty-first Century, Shanghai showed a scene of prosperity andopenness. The buildings on the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jinmao Tower, ShanghaiInternational Conference Center and Pudong International Airport are the mostcommon buildings on TV. They are the decorations of Shanghai, such as MaggieCheung's pearl necklace and eardrop, and the more elegant women always needdecorations. So, the bustling Shanghai needs to be prosperous again. It takesthese buildings to decorate them to make them attractive. Some people say thatthe culture of 20__ years has come to Xi'an, that of 500 years to Beijing, andthat of nearly 100 years to Shanghai. To describe the development of Shanghai interms of vicissitudes and rapid changes, do you have any opinions? What wasShanghai like a long time ago?

  As early as the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period,Shanghai first belonged to Wu, then to Yue, and then to Chu. At that time, HuangXie, a great general of the state of Chu, made great contributions in harnessingthe river course and was granted the title of Marquis of Chunshen, so Shanghaiwas referred to as "Shen" for short. In 223 BC, after Qin destroyed Chu, QinShihuang led Prime Minister Lisi and his black sheep, Qin II, to visit thesouth. They saw that Shanghai was rich in products, prosperous in trade, andprosperous in population. However, people were only trading on ships, and hadnot yet formed a city. At that time, most residents in Wusongkou area ofShanghai made a living by fishing. Clever fishermen invented a bamboo fishingtool "Hu". How to describe it? Bamboo or wooden sticks were woven together toform a square or circular shape. When the tide was high, the fish would bethrown into the "Hu". When the tide was low, the fish could only look at theocean and sigh. It was a bit like inviting the king into the urn, so thefishermen would take advantage of the fishing When the tide was low, I wentinside to pick up fish. I think Shanghainese may be the descendants of farmerswaiting for a rabbit. I'm sorry to make a joke. Later, Shanghai was referred toas "Hu" for this reason, but why did they add three points of water? People allover the world know that "Hu" is a small fishing village and a big market townafter the "households" of waterfront people fishing. At that time, there were 18trading ports, including Shanghai port and xiahaipu port. In the late NorthernSong Dynasty, as the Songjiang River became shallower, Shanghai beach was formedfrom the Bund to Shiliupu today. Ships on the sea from Shanghai to the east ofthe old city, so "Shanghai" has become the name of a city. We all know that"Shanghai" is evolved from "Shanghai Pu". There is a saying that both positiveand negative readings are the same: Shanghai tap water comes from the sea. Readit.

  After the Opium War, Nanjing Treaty, the first unequal treaty in Chinesehistory, came into being. Shanghai was forced to open up as a trading port byforeign colonialists, and foreign powers set up concessions in Shanghai oneafter another. From then on, Shanghai became the "cradle of adventurers" offoreign invaders for more than a century. It was not until after the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war in 1945 that the concession was taken back by the people.On May 28, 1949, the Shanghai Municipal People's government was established.Today, Shanghai has become an international metropolis with prosperous economyand advanced science and education.

  This metropolis is 6341 square kilometers, registered residence about16000000, and the urban population density is more than 20 thousand people persquare kilometer. It's really crowded. Huangpu river divides Shanghai into twoparts of Pudong and Puxi. Pudong New Area is a region that has been developingsince 90s of last century. We will enjoy her beautiful scenery in theevening.

  Why not see it in the daytime? In the daytime, Shanghai is just high-risebuildings, countless traffic lights, endless flow of cars, and bustling crowds.What it brings us is a hard and distant feeling. There is such a saying, rainWest Lake, fog Chongqing, night Shanghai, night Shanghai, Zhou Xuan's song, ZhaoWei's cover in the deep rain --- night Shanghai, night Shanghai!

  Of course, how to look at Shanghai this night? The learned can be said tobe "looking at the mountains horizontally and forming peaks on the side, withdifferent heights and distances.". So, in order to help you appreciate the charmof Shanghai in an all-round way, we can look up, look up and look down onShanghai from three perspectives.

  Looking at the sea: we can take the luxury cruise ship near the Bund ofShanghai, visit the international architecture Expo in Pudong, and see theJinmao pearl Conference Center on the other side of the bank from a distance, soas to record the brilliance of Shanghai in our eyes and cameras.

  Lu Kan: our good driver will take you around the city to see the people'sSquare in the night, Shanghai Opera House, Nanjing Road, the first street inChina, and Hengshan Road, the new commercial street, for a close look at allkinds of Shanghai's customs.

  Empty look: of course, to the 88th sightseeing floor of Jinmao building,let's talk about a little story about Jinmao. About the declaration of Guinnesscentury records, Jinmao building is the first in China and the fourth tallest inthe world. It's tower shaped, some like the little wild goose pagoda in Xi'an.The total cost is 1.5 times of the total cost of Nanpu Yangpu and Mingzhu, whichis 420.5 meters high. At home and abroad, there are three climbing enthusiastsclimbing to the top of Jinmao, and there is a fourth Jiangxi young man. At fouro'clock in the night, he began to climb abruptly. When he reached the 87thfloor, he was exhausted. At 7:10, he was "carried" down by the high crane.

  It's so dangerous. He doesn't know what to expect. Even monkeys can't helpit. At this time, you may think, the tour guide let us go to Jinmao to enjoy thebeautiful scenery, do you also want us to climb the stairs? No, everyone'ssafety is my safety, we can get to the 88th floor of 340 meters in 45 seconds,because we are taking the fastest and safest elevator in the world. When we getthere, it can be said that "we will climb to the top of the mountain and see allthe mountains". A panoramic view of Shanghai. At this time, you will sigh thatShanghai is so beautiful. Shanghai is like Maggie Cheung in evening dress. Thelights are like her shawl made of gems. Eh, is it Li Xiang who gave it to her?There are so many Li Xiang's family. Alas, hearing is truth, seeing isemptiness. What's the matter.
