

维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第46卷增 川 中山大学学报(自然科学版) Vo1.46 Sup. 2007年6月 ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI Jun. 2007 Technic Improvement of External Circular Anaerobic Reactor and Testing Research of Treatment Effect //AN Hong-jun,GAO Fei (School of Municipal ad Environmental Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbinl50090) Abstract:The e :ternal circLdar anaerobic reactors are innovative and improved of UASB reactors.With the use the cyclone-flow distli— bution water device and short distance tilted--plate three-phase separator,high rate anaerobic reactors ate space saving and low—cost, and have a high popularization value and broad prospects.The parameters are satisfied and supply reliable theory gist、technic and methods for anaerobic treatment application.It can also be direction and demonstrate for high concentrate wastewater treatment. Key words:beer wastewater external circular anaerobic processes;cyclone--lfow distribution water device;short distance tilted—pltae three-phase separator CLC number:X797 Document code:A Article ID:0529-6579(2007)S1-0225-02 mount of the former one is less than the lattar,therefore Test Flow and Equipment hte energy comsumpt一 i葛 on is∞ II less  correspondingly. ‘ Exhanst 250 ¨I Ou tpllt Water 200 Circumfluenee l5O l()() 5O O Input Water 0 50 100 l50 2()() 250 Flllx(L/h) Fig.2 Relation curve of input..,water flux and EC R;eactor Cycle Pump Cyde Pot sludge.一bed inflate rate Fig.1 The flow chart of external circular 2.1 Research of distribution condition of sludge anaerobic processes in the reactor 1.1 Prima parameters of testing equipment Figure 3 is the distirbuLtion curve of sludge thick-- The recycling cans for testing were plastic box,di— ness by height of reactor by the up一-lfow speed of 8m/h of two in—put water mode.As shown in the chart,the mensions of 250 mm x 200 mm x 750 mm。0.03 m of effective eubage.The external circular anaerobic re— distribution curve of cyclone-lfow in-put water mode is actor was made of perspex with diameter of 0.3 m and steep,the sludge is distribute evenly in the height, hight of2.30 m.Total volume is 0.17 m and effective large sludge—bed inflate rate without evidently sludge— volume is 0.09 m . water iuterfaee. 2.2 Clean--section height test of three-phase sep- 2 Test Result and Analyses arator The clean water separated from three--phase sepa.- The test result is shown in figure 2.We can see that in the condition of cyclone—lfow distribution water rator over lfow through the top of separating section,the device,the expand effect of granular sludge bed is bet- height of dean--section in the upper of three--phase sep-- ter than vertical distribution mode.The backflow a. arator wiH affect the uniformity of water gathering and 收稿日期:2007-01—10 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划基金资助项目(973计划2004CB4185) 作者简介:韩洪军(1955年生),男,教授/博士生导师;E—mail:hhj@hit.edu.an 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 226 中山大学学报(自然科学版) —茸 I1 0一 . 嘣 |】 第46卷 (rH ~ g 。一 j_【∽ ghts were out-water quality.Different clean-section heibe even,resulting the over-speed of up-flow water and the overflow of some granular sludge.When the height of clean—Section is more than 0.4 m,the quality of out- used in the tests,and the results are shown in figure 4. 加∞∞∞如加m O put water is good and stable. 3 Conclusions (1)The situation of energy consumption is stud— ied in the modes of cyclone—flow and vertical-flow,the results prove that the former is better than the lattar. That is,on the equal condition of expended rate,the backflow of the former is less,thus consume less ener. O O.2 O.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 yg・ (2).the cyclone—flow in-put mode can heighten Herght of reaetor/m the height of activated sludge region,enlarge the space Fig.3 Distributing curve of sludge thickness for water mixture and dilutedness,provided the reactor by height of reactor with perfect biology condition and hydraulic condition. (3)The small space of short distance tilted-plate three-phase separator making granular sludge flow up to O.8 the top of the tilted'plate,air bubbles will separate from the granular sludge by the slight collision and O- O.6 verlfow from the surface along the tilted-plate. 0.4 References: O.2 [1] REIS M A M.Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Growth of O Sulfate Reducing Bacteria[J]. Bioeng,1992,40 5O 1o0 150 200 250 300 (2):593—600. output—water sludge thickness/ HILTON M G,ARCHER D B.Anaerobic Digestion of a Sul ̄te.rich Molasses Wastewater:Inhibition of Hydrogen Fig.4 Relation curve of clean—section height and Sulfate Production[J].Biothnol Bioeng,2000,3 1 output—water sludge thickness (2):885—888. YODA M,KITAGAWA M,MIYAGI Y.Long Term The height of clean-section will affect the amount Competition between Sul ̄te—reducing and Methane Pro— of granular sludge in out-put water,if the height of ducing Bacteria for Acetate in Anaerobic Biofilm[J]. clean-section is too small,the water gathering may not Wat,2000,21(1):1547—1556. 外循环厌氧反应器的技术改进及处理效果的试验研究 韩洪军,高 飞 (哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 黑龙江哈尔滨150090) 摘 要:对啤酒废水采用外循环厌氧工艺与好氧工艺联合的处理工艺的可行性进行了中试研究,外循环厌氧反应器的各 项参数能够满足生产的需要,为厌氧技术在实际工程的应用提供了可靠的理论依据,技术方法和解决途径,对啤酒废水厌 氧处理的发展和实践起到重要的理论指导作用,对相关的高浓度废水处理起到很好的示范作用和指导意义。 关键词:啤酒废水;外循环厌氧反应器;旋流配水装置;小间距斜板三相分离器 中图分类号:X797 
