专利名称:SELF-TIMING CODE KEYER发明人:QUICK G,US,SOWTER G,US申请号:US3725906D申请日:19700924公开号:US3725906A公开日:19730403
摘要:This is an automatic code keyer which can be used, for example, for
automatically generating in Morse code the call letters of a radio transmitter. The keyerof this invention is simpler and has fewer parts than prior art devices. It comprises aplurality of selection circuits which activate individual dot or dash circuits. In each casewhere a dot is selected, a short pulse is generated, and if a dash is selected, a long pulseis generated. The generation of a pulse opens a gate which permits a tone to be
transmitted to the output for a duration of the pulse. The selection devices are manuallycontrolled and are operated to select the appropriate dot or dash for each element of adesired letter. If neither is selected, the pulse is applied to the next line of selectiondevices which control the original pulse generators and gating circuits. The system maybe expanded to provide for the automatic generation of any number of letters.