专利名称:Read/write scanning equipment发明人:Tsao, Sherman Hsiu-Meng申请号:EP79101694.2申请日:19790601公开号:EP0005844B1公开日:19830504
摘要:Scanning equipment is disclosed having N scanning heads positioned at
predetermined matrix points of a matrix array so as to scan along interlaced substantiallyparallel scan lines on a medium during relative scanning movements between themedium and the head array in a scan pass direction parallel to the scan lines, suchinterlaced scanning movement being produced by repeated relative movement betweenthe medium and the head array in a medium advance direction and in an array indexingdirection transverse thereto. The specification describes methods of determining thepositions to be occupied by the scanning heads. One method is illustrated in Figure 2. Theheads are notionally arranged in a line N1 to N11 and are then notionally re-arranged insub-groups S1, S2, S3. The heads in sub-groups S1, S2, S3 are spaced apart a distancegreater than the minimum spacing physically required between two adjacent heads. Thesub-groups are then formed into a linear array by displacing S2 and S3 a distance P and2P where P is equal to N, the number of nozzles. times d, the inter-scan spacing.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Old Orchard Road Armonk, N.Y. 10504 US
代理机构:Lewis, Alan John