


结构防火识别符号 A 23/Res.952 序号 识别符号 1.1 1.2 1.3 名称 A 级分隔 使用说明 A-class division B 级分隔 B-class division 主竖区 Main vertical zone 1.4 A 级铰链防火门 A-class hinged fire door 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. 符号的图注和解释应是防火控制图的组成部分,包括在控制图中的一系列符号和适当的解释,还可包括附加信息,如在固定式灭火系统中使用的灭火剂。 * A legend of symbols and explanations should be a constituent part of any fire control plan and contain a list of the graphical symbols used in the plan, together with the appropriate explanations, and may include additional special information such as the type of extinguishing media used in fixed fire-extinguishing systems. 1.5 B 级铰链防火门 B-class hinged fire door 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. A 级自闭式铰链防火门 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 1.6 A-class hinged self-closing fire door The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 1.7 B 级自闭式铰链防火门 B-class hinged self-closing fire door The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 1.8 A 级滑动防火门 A-class sliding fire door The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. B 级滑动防火门 1.9 B-class sliding fire door 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. A 级自闭式滑动防火门 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 1.10 A-class self-closing sliding fire door The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. 符号应标在门的位置上,且显示防火门的实际方位。 如是水密门,则在符号右侧加上WT字样。 如是半水密门,则在符号右侧加上SWT 字样。 1.11 B 级自闭式滑动防火门 B-class self-closing sliding fire door The symbol should be at the door position and should show the actual direction of the door. Add WT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a watertight door. Add SWT to the right side of the symbol in the case of a semi-watertight door. 1.12 遥控通风或关闭 Ventilation remote control or shut-off 圆圈和符号右侧字母的颜色表示: A = 起居处所和服务处所为蓝色; M = 机器处所为绿色; C = 装货处所为黄色。 Colour of the circle and a letter at the right side of the symbol should indicate as follows: A = blue for accommodation and service spaces; M = green for machinery spaces; C = yellow for cargo spaces. 遥控天窗 1.13 Remote control for skylight 1.14 遥控水密门或防火门 在符号右侧加上WT 字样表示遥控水密门,加上FD 字样表示遥控防火门。 Remote control for watertight doors or fire doors Add WT to the right side of the symbol to indicate remote control for watertight doors or FD to indicate remote control for fire doors. 1.15 挡火闸 Fire damper 圆圈和符号右侧字母的颜色表示: A = 起居处所和服务处所为蓝色; M = 机器处所为绿色; C = 装货处所为黄色。 挡火闸的识别号码可在符号底部标明。 Colour of the circle and a letter at the right side of the symbol should indicate as follows: A = blue for accommodation and service spaces; M = green for machinery spaces; C = yellow for cargo spaces. Identification number of the damper may be shown at the bottom of the symbol. 通风进口或出口的关闭装置 圆圈和符号右侧字母的颜色表示: A = 起居处所和服务处所为蓝色; M = 机器处所为绿色; C = 装货处所为黄色。 关闭装置的识别号码可在符号底部标明。 1.16 Closing device for ventilation inlet or outlet Colour of the circle and a letter at the right side of the symbol should indicate as follows: A = blue for accommodation and service spaces; M = green for machinery spaces; C = yellow for cargo spaces. Identification number of the closing device may be shown at the bottom of the symbol. 1.17 遥控挡火闸 Remote control for fire damper(s) 圆圈和符号右侧字母的颜色表示: A = 起居处所和服务处所为蓝色; M = 机器处所为绿色; C = 装货处所为黄色。 挡火闸的识别号码可在符号底部标明。 Colour of the circle and a letter at the right side of the symbol should indicate as follows: A = blue for accommodation and service spaces; M = green for machinery spaces; C = yellow for cargo spaces. Identification number of the damper may be shown. 通风进口或出口的遥控关闭装置 圆圈和符号右侧字母的颜色表示: A = 起居处所和服务处所为蓝色; M = 机器处所为绿色; C = 装货处所为黄色。 关闭装置的识别号码可在符号底部标明。 1.18 Remote control for closing device(s) for ventilation inlet and outlet Colour of the circle and a letter at the right side of the symbol should indicate as follows: A = blue for accommodation and service spaces; M = green for machinery spaces; C = yellow for cargo spaces. Identification number of the closing device(s) may be shown.


序号 识别符号 2.1 名称 防火控制图 使用说明 2.2 Fire protection appliances or structural fire protection plan 遥控消防泵 Remote control for fire pump(s) 2.3 消防泵 类型、每单位时间出水量和压力应在符号右侧或图中标明。 Fire pump(s) 2.4 遥控应急消防泵或由应急电源供电的消防泵 The type, quantity of water delivered per time unit, and pressure head should be indicated either at the right side of the symbol or in the legend. Remote control for emergency fire pump or fire pump supplied by the emergency source of power 2.5 应急消防泵 类型、每单位时间出水量和压力应在符号右侧或图注中标明。 2.6 Emergency fire pump The type, quantity of water delivered per time unit, and pressure head should be indicated either at the right side of the symbol or in the legend. 燃油泵遥控关闭 Fuel pump(s) remote shut-off 2.7 滑油泵遥控关闭 Lube oil pump(s) remote shut-off 2.8 遥控舱底泵 Remote control for bilge pump(s) 2.9 遥控应急舱底泵 Remote control for emergency bilge pump 2.10 遥控燃油阀 Remote control for fuel oil valves 1.11 遥控滑油阀 Remote control for lube oil valves 2.12 遥控消防泵阀 Remote control for fire pump valve(s) 2.13 遥控施放站 Remote release station 在符号底部标明所保护的处所。灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示,并在符号右侧用一个字母标明:灰色 — CO2 代表二氧化碳或N代表氮气,棕色 — H 代表除CO2 或N 以外的气体(标明气体种类),白色 — P 代表干粉,绿色 — W 代表水。 Indicate at the bottom of the symbol the protected space. Extinguishing media should be colour coded in the lower part of the symbol and be indicated by a letter at the right side of the symbol as follows: grey —CO2 for carbon dioxide or N for nitrogen, brown —H for gas other than CO2 or N (type of gas to be indicated), white —P for powder, green —W for water. 2.14 国际通岸接头 International shore connection 2.15 消火栓 Fire hydrant 2.16 消防总管隔离阀 在符号右侧标明阀的相关号码。 Fire main section valve 2.17 自动喷水器隔离阀 Indicate the reference number of the valve at the right side of the symbol. 在符号右侧标明阀的相关号码。 本符号还适用于等效的水基灭火系统。 自动干管喷水器系统的阀应在图中标明。 Sprinkler section valve Indicate the reference number of the valve at the right side of the symbol. This symbol may also be applied to equivalent water-extinguishing systems. Valves for automatic dry-pipe sprinkler systems should be indicated in the legend. 干粉隔离阀 在符号右侧标明阀的相关号码。 2.18 Powder section valve Indicate the reference number of the valve at the right side of the symbol. 2.19 泡沫隔离阀 在符号右侧标明阀的相关号码。 Foam section valve 2.20 固定式灭火装置 Indicate the reference number of the valve at the right side of the symbol. 灭火剂种类应在符号中部用颜色指示,并在符号上方用一个字母标明:灰色 — CO2 代表二氧化碳或N代表氮气,黄色 — F 代表泡沫,棕色 — H代表除CO2 或N以外的气体(标明气体种类),白色 — P 代表干粉,绿色 — W 代表水。 Fixed fire extinguishing installation Extinguishing media should be colour coded in the centre part of the symbol and indicated by a letter on top of the symbol as follows: grey — CO2 for carbon dioxide or N for nitrogen, yellow —F for foam, brown —H for gas other than CO2 or N (type of gas to be indicated), white —P for powder, green —W for water. 固定式灭火钢瓶组 2.21 Fixed fire extinguishing battery 灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示,并在符号上方用一个字母标明:灰色 — CO2 代表二氧化碳或N代表氮气,黄色 — F 代表泡沫,棕色 — H代表除CO2 或N以外的气体(标明气体种类),白色 — P 代表干粉,绿色 — W 代表水。 Extinguishing media should be colour-coded in the lower part of the symbol and indicated by a letter on top of the symbol as follows: Grey — CO2 for carbon dioxide or N for nitrogen, yellow —F for foam, brown —H for gas other than CO2 or N (type of gas to be indicated), white — P for powder, green — W for water. 2.22 放置在所保护区域的固定式灭火容器 Fixed fire extinguishing bottle, placed in protected area 灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示,并在符号上方用一个字母标明:灰色 — CO2 代表二氧化碳或N代表氮气,黄色 — F 代表泡沫,棕色 — H代表除CO2 或N以外的气体(标明气体种类),白色 — P 代表干粉,绿色 — W 代表水。 Extinguishing media should be colourcoded in the centre part of the symbol and indicated by a letter on top of the symbol as follows: grey —CO2 for carbon dioxide or N for nitrogen, yellow —F for foam, brown . H for gas other than CO2 or N (type of gas to be indicated), white —P for powder, green —W for water. 如有必要,在符号底部标明所保护的处所。 2.23 高倍泡沫供应导管(排出管) Indicate at the bottom of the symbol the protected space, if necessary. High expansion foam supply trunk (outlet) 水雾系统阀 如有必要,在符号底部标明所保护的处所。 2.24 2.25 Water spray system valves 惰性气体装置 Indicate at the bottom of the symbol the protected space, if necessary. Inert gas installation 2.26 消防炮 Monitor 灭火剂种类应在符号中部用颜色指示,并在符号上方用一个字母标明:黄色 — F 代表泡沫,白色 — P代表干粉,绿色 — W 代表水。 Extinguishing media should be colour coded in the centre part of the symbol and indicated by a letter on the right side of the symbol as follows: yellow — F for foam, white — P for powder, green — W for water. 2.27 消防水带和水枪 Fire hose and nozzle 在符号右侧标明水带的长度;如果只使用一个种类的水带,可在图注中标出。灭火剂种类应在符号下部用颜色指示,并在符号上方用一个字母标明:黄色 — F 代表泡沫,白色 — P 代表干粉,绿色 — W代表水。 Indicate the hose length at the right side of the symbol; where only one type of hose is used, the information can be shown in the legend. Extinguishing media should be colour-coded in the lower part of the symbol and indicated by a letter on the right side of the symbol as follows: yellow — F for foam, white — P for powder, green — W for water. 灭火器 2.28 Fire extinguisher 在符号右侧标明灭火剂(CO2 代表二氧化碳,F 代表泡沫,H 代表除CO2 以外的气体(标明气体种类),P 代表干粉,W 代表水)和容量(气体和干粉用KG 表示,水和泡沫用L 表示)。灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示:灰色代表二氧化碳,黄色代表泡沫,棕色代表除CO2 以外的气体,白色代表干粉,绿色代表水。 Indicate type of extinguishing media (CO2 for carbon dioxide, F for foam, H for gas other than CO2 (type of gas to be indicated), P for powder, W for water) and capacity (kg for gas and powder, litres for water and foam) at the right side of the symbol. Media should be colour-coded in the lower part of the symbol as follows: grey for carbon dioxide, yellow for foam, brown for gas other than CO2, white for powder, green for water. 2.29 推车式灭火器 Wheeled fire extinguisher 在符号右侧标明灭火剂(CO2 代表二氧化碳,F 代表泡沫,H 代表除CO2 以外的气体(标明气体种类),P 代表干粉,W 代表水)和容量(气体和干粉用KG 表示,水和泡沫用L 表示)。灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示:灰色代表二氧化碳,黄色代表泡沫,棕色代表除CO2 以外的气体,白色代表干粉,绿色代表水。 Indicate type of extinguishing media (CO2 for carbon dioxide, F for foam, H for gas other than CO2 (type of gas to be indicated), P for powder, W for water) and capacity (kg for gas and powder, litres for water and foam) at the right side of the symbol. Media should be colour-coded in the centre part of the symbol as follows: grey for carbon dioxide, yellow for foam, brown for gas other than CO2, white for powder, green for water. 手提式泡沫枪装置或相关备用容器 2.30 2.31 Portable foam applicator unit or relevant spare tank(s) 消防贮存箱 在符号右侧标明消防贮存箱号。每个消防贮存箱里的主要贮存物应在图中标明。 Fire locker Indicate the number of the fire locker at the right side of the symbol. The principal contents of each fire locker should be indicated in the legend. 2.32 由灭火系统保护的处所或处所群 Space or group of spaces protected by fire extinguishing system 在符号上方标明灭火剂种类(CO2代表二氧化碳,F 代表泡沫,H 代表除CO2 以外的气体(标明气体种类),P 代表干粉,W 代表水,S 代表喷淋器或高压水灭火系统)和容量(气体和干粉用KG 表示,水和泡沫用L 表示)。添加词尾L 表示固定式局部应用灭火系统。灭火剂种类应在符号下端用颜色指示:灰色代表二氧化碳,黄色代表泡沫,棕色代表除CO2 以外的气体,白色代表干粉,绿色代表水,桔黄色代表喷淋器或高压水灭火系统。 Indicate type of extinguishing media (CO2 for carbon dioxide, F for foam, H for gas other than CO2 (type of gas to be indicated), P for powder, W for water, S for sprinkler or high pressure water extinguishing system) and capacity (kg for gas and powder, litres for water and foam) at the top of the symbol. Add suffix.L. for fixed local application fire fighting system. Media should be colour-coded in the symbol as follows: grey for carbon dioxide, yellow for foam, brown for gas other than CO2, white for powder, green for water, orange for sprinkler or high pressure water extinguishing system. 水雾枪 2.33 2.34 Water fog applicator 应急电源(发电机) Emergency source of electrical power (generator) 2.35 应急电源(电池) Emergency source of electrical power (battery) 2.36 应急配电板 Emergency switchboard 2.37 压缩空气呼吸装置 Air compressor for breathing devices 2.38 探火和报警系统控制屏 2.39 Control panel for fire detection and alarm system 火警按钮/开关 Push button/switch for general alarm 2.40 手动报警按钮点 由主管机关自行决定是否使用本符号。 Manually operated call point The use of this symbol is optional at the discretion of the competent authority. 2.41 由感烟探测器监控的处所或处所群 应标明受监控的处所。 The space(s) should be identified. 2.42 Space or group of spaces monitored by smoke detector(s) 由感温探测器监控的处所或处所群 应标明受监控的处所。 The space(s) should be identified. 2.43 Space or group of spaces monitored by heat detector(s) 由火焰探测器监控的处所或处所群 应标明受监控的处所。 The space(s) should be identified. 2.44 Space or group of spaces monitored by flame detector(s) 由可燃气体探测器监控的处所 Space monitored by gas detector(s)


3.1 3.2 3.3 紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD) 在符号右侧标明所装载的EEBD 数量。 副脱险路线 主脱险路线 Primary escape route Secondary escape route Emergency escape breathing device (EEBD) Indicate the quantity of the EEBDs stowed at the right side of the symbol.

此为A.952(23)号决议(2003 年12 月5 日通过)

Resolution A.952(23) Adopted on 5 December 2003 (Agenda item 17)

同意于2004 年1 月1 日之前建造的船舶可继续配备应用A.654(16)决议中所列识别符 号的防火控制图;

AGREES that ships constructed before 1 January 2004 may continue to carry fire control plans that use the graphical symbols contained in resolution A.654(16);

C C S 通 函






关于实施IMO A.952(23)号决议船上防火控制图


IMO第23届大会于2003年12月5日以A.952(23)号决议通过了“船上防火控制图图示符号” (见附件), 以替代原先采用的A.654(16)决议。按本社技术处(2001年)总第105号通函的规定,该文件属亚强制性范畴,我社验船师应按此通函的要求执行。本规定适用于2004年1月1日新建及重大改建(详见SOLAS II-2章定义)的国际航行船舶,我社审图中心及执行检验单位在本通函下发后应对已审批





2. 船舶防火控制图识别符号(A.952(23)决议)(英文)

3. 防火控制图某些参考识别符号以及对A. 952(23)决议中某些符号的解释

序号 识别符号 名称 使用说明 1 释放灭火剂种类应在符号左侧用一个字母标明: CO2代表二氧化碳, H火警号角 代表除CO2或N以外的气体(标明Horn Fire Alarm 气体种类), S代表喷淋器或高压水灭火系统,没有字母代表一般的火警号角。 火警铃 Bell Fire 2 3 由自动失火报警 保护的处所 Space protected by automatic fire alarm 消防斧 Fire Axe 4
