专利名称:Data storage device and control method
发明人:Imamura, Kiyomi,Yamakawa, Teruji c/oFujitsu
Program Lab. Ltd.
摘要:It is provided a data storage device which reads data from and/or writes data toa memory medium, comprising: a storage unit for storing a first identifier; an identifieracquisition unit for acquiring a second identifier recorded on a memory medium which isset to said data storage device; and a controller for comparing said first identifier withsaid second identifier, and controlling to access to said memory medium for data readingand/or writing according to a relationship between said first identifier and said secondidentifier. For example, when the first identifier does not match the second identifier, thecontroller inhibits access to the memory medium for the reading and writing of data. Butwhen the first and the second identifiers match, the controller permits access to thememory medium for the reading and writing of data. Since the storage device having anidentifier which differs from the identifier recorded on the memory medium inhibitsaccess to the memory medium for the reading and writing of data, the secrecy of datarecorded on the memory medium is ensured.
代理机构:Seeger, Wolfgang, Dipl.-Phys.
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