A Comparative Study on Body Language Between
China and Western Countries 中西方肢体语言的对比研究
院 系 : 人文社会科学学院外语系 专 业 : 英 语 年 级 : 2009 姓 名 : 李红 学 号 : 200930216 指导教师 : 罗江霞 硕士
二 0 一 二年 十二 月 十八 日
赣南医学院英语专业毕业论文开题报告 学生姓名 英文题目 中文题目 李红 班级 英语一班 指导教师 罗江霞 A Comparative Study on Body Language Between China and Western Countries 中西方肢体语言的对比研究 一.选题的依据及意义 (Significance of the Research) Nowadays, with the development of economy and culture, the international exchanges become more and more frequent. As a communicative tool, language is very important in many situations. Body language, which refers to the nonverbal behavior, plays a complementary role in helping people communicate with each other freely. However, even if we understand the meaning of some general body language, there are also some difficulties in understanding all the body language. Because each culture has its own features, customs and functions. Its incorrect application will raise confusion among the audience. What’s more, it will make you fail in intercultural communications. If we do not understand the meaning of a certain body language in its own cultural context, it will bring up obstacles and embarrassment in intercultural communication. Such as it will probably fail an agreement in business negotiations; it will make a joke; it will lead to a misunderstanding. In order to communicate with foreigners well and avoid some unnecessary misunderstanding, we should know more about body language meanings and functions in intercultural communication. 二.国内外研究现状 (Background to the Problem) Domestic study status Hu said, “Body language means conveying an expression and action” (2004, 12). Famous scholar Bi stated that nonverbal communication was the most important part in communication (Bi, 2001:9). In addition, Huang explores the difference non-verbal communication under different cultural background (2003, 2). And Cao researches the effect of body language in the words’ meaning (1997, 5). In recent years, the body language has become more and more important in intercultural communication, and is attracting more and more attentions among researchers in China.
Overseas study status Body language in intercultural communication always plays an important role in the study of various scholars. It was not until 1950s that some scholars began to carry out systematical study of body language in intercultural communication. From the late of 1970s to the earlier period of 1980s, more contents have been added to body language, which have a great influence on the other fields. For example, it has been used in sport, dance, art and music. In the early of 20th century, Kreteschmer(1925) writes Physique and Character and Variation of Human Physique, as well as Efron(1941) writes Gesture and Environment. These books are the reformation of the research of body language. Then G.L.Trager(1948) and E.T. Hall(1948) propose that people need to learn cultural characteristics in the other countries in intercultural communication. Today body language has achieved great developments and become a marginal subject in foreign research. Birdwhistell, the professor in the University of Pennsylvania of America, made an accurate evaluation of quantity of language communication. According to his study, verbal language only takes up 30% of the whole communication while nonverbal language (mainly body language) accounts for almost 65% of that (Birdwhistell, 1970:189). And psychologist David Abercrombie also points out that we speak of verbal organs but we talk with our body. 三.本课题研究内容 (Specifications of the Problem/Questions to Be Answered) The first part makes a brief introduction of body language in intercultural communication and necessaries of the study. The second part states some information about body language. Such as: Definitions, functions of body language. The third part is the classification of body language, such as: the body distance, eye contract, facial expression and so on. The fourth part states the differences between China and western countries in communication. The fifth part analyzes the significance and principles of applying body language. The last part makes a conclusion.
四.本课题研究方案 (Research Design) 1. Data retrieval: review the literature related to the topic. 2. Collect materials: Extract main ideas and useful information of body language. 3. Compare the materials, summarize and classify the differences of body language between China and western countries. 4. Summarize the thesis. 五.研究目标、主要特色及工作进度(Expected Results, Main Features and Processing of the Research) 1. Expected results This paper analyzes the different meaning of body language between China and western countries. It also aims at analyzing differences and similarities of body language, coming up to the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication. Theoretically, this paper will add more detailed information to the study of body language. Practically, it will serve as the guide for future intercultural communication between Chinese and westerners. 2. Main features The thesis will give a new look and understanding of body language in communication for people. The comparison of China and western countries gives a clearer understanding of body language in different cultures and backgrounds. Meanwhile, it puts forward some principles to avoid the misunderstanding and embarrassment in communication. 3. Processing of the research Nov,20 2012 Collecting material and choose a topic Dec.10,2012 Handing in opening report Dec.15-Dec.20, 2012 Thesis defense for opening report Mar.10, 2013 Finishing the first draft
Apr. l, 2013 Finishing the second draft Apr.20, 2013 Finishing the third draft Apr.30, 2013 Finalizing the draft May.5-May.11, 2013 The first thesis defense May.12-May.18, 2013 The second thesis defense 六、参考文献 (References) [1] David McNeill. Hand and mind: What Gesture Reveal about Thought. Chicago: the
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