

2024-06-22 来源:飒榕旅游知识分享网



课程名称:高级英语Ⅰ 课程英文名称: Advanced English Ⅰ 课程类别: 专业基础课 课程属性:必修

学分:3 学时:54学期 共1学期 考核方式:笔试+口试 二、课程性质及教学目的








写作上,初步掌握写作技巧,掌握如何开篇、收篇,如何突出中心、承上启下。在理解的基础上,分析文章的构思、中心思想、段落大意、写作特点及文章的优缺点。通过对文章作者和时代背景的了解逐步欣赏和掌握文章的体裁和文体风格。掌握各种文体如议论义,记叙文,描述性文章的特征,并运用到自己的写作中去。在此基础上,能将和课文难度相当的英文原著文章译成通顺的汉语。 三、教学主要内容和教学基本要求


月 份 周 次 讲 课 时 数 教 学 内 容 月 份 周 次 讲 课 时 数 教 学 内 容 2

八 月 九 月 第 一 周 2 学时 Unit One TextⅠHit the Nail on the Head 第 二 周 第 三 周 第 四 周 第 五 周 第 六 周 第 七 周 第 八 周 4 学时 2 学时 4 学时 2 学时 4 学时 2 学时 4 学时 Unit One--Unit Two TextⅠHit the Nail on the Head TextⅠBeware the Dirty Seas Unit Three TextⅠMy Friend, Albert Einstein 十 一 月 第十二周 4 学时 第十三周 2 学时 第 十4 四 周 学时 第十五周 2 学时 第 十4 六 周 学时 第 十2 七 周 学时 第十八周 4 学 时 第 十 九 周 学 时 Unit Ten Text ⅠThings: The Throw-Away Society Unit Eleven 11.1. TextⅠ Cultivating a Hobby Unit Twelve Text Ⅰ The Science of Custom Unit Twelve Text Ⅰ The Science of Custom Unit Thirteen TextⅠ What Life Means to Me, Part Ⅰ Unit Thirteen TextⅠ What Life Means to Me, Part Ⅰ Unit Fourteen What Life Means to Me, Part Ⅱ Unit Fifteen TextⅠ I Have a Dream Unit Three--Unit Four TextⅠMy Friend, Albert Einstein TextⅠThe Invisible Poor 十 十 二 National Day’s Holiday Unit Five--Unit Six 5.1. Text ⅠThe Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, 月 Part Ⅰ TextⅠPreparing for College Unit Six TextⅠPreparing for College Revision Final-Examination Unit Seven--Unit Eight Text Ⅰ Grouping the Gifted: Pro Text ⅠWhy Nothing Works 3

月 第 九 周 第 十 周 第 十一周

2 学时 4 学 时 2 学时 Unit Eight Text ⅠWhy Nothing Works 第二十周 Mid-term Examination Unit nine TextⅠ Where Is the News Leading Us? Unit Ten TextⅠThings: The Throw-Away Society 学 时 第 二 十 一学 周 时 第 二 十 二学 周 时 (二)目的与要求 Unit One

TextⅠ Hit the Nail on the Head Aims and Demands:

1. Understanding the various aspects related to the usage of words. 2. Cultivating a sense of appropriateness in style 3. Learning to use analogy as an expository means. Unit Two

TextⅠ Beware the Dirty Seas Aims and Demands:

1. Learning the word and expressions provided on Page 6 that will facilitate reading 2. Carefully reading the background information given by the teacher to have critical thinking about water pollution

3. Learning to organize an assay with cause—effect pattern

Unit Three

TextⅠ My Friend, Albert Einstein Aims and Demands:

1. Learning some new words and useful expressions


2. Learning the description developed by examples

3. Knowing Albert Einstein both as a great scientist and a human being Unit Four

TextⅠ The Invisible Poor Aims and Demands:

1. Learn the cause-and-effect pattern in expository writing.

2. Develop some basic skills in text analysis -- coherence and cohesion

3. Have some idea about the poverty problem in the US and take note of the similar problem in China:

4. Learn to be observant and critical of social phenomena Unit Five

TextⅠ The Plug in Drug: TV and the American Family, PartⅠ Aims and Demands:

1. Use of quotations as an expository means 2. Cause and effect development in writing.

3. Cultivation of social awareness and critical ability Unit Six

Text Ⅰ Preparing for College Aims and Demands:

1. Getting to know some background information about Homer, Caesar, Dante, Robert Owen, Tories, liberals, Roman Catholic and Protestant 2. Learning to paraphrase some sentences in the text

3. Learning the narration blended with argument Unit Seven

TextⅠ: Grouping The Gifted: Pro Aims and Demands:

1. Learning some new words and useful expressions 2. Learning some methods commonly used in argument


3. Learning how to make an argument convincing and persuasive Unit Eight

TextⅠ: Why Nothing Works Aims and Demands:

1. Learning to use example and illustration in expository writing 2. Learning to develop an expository writing through a causal analysis

3. Getting to know Murphy’s Law

Unit Nine

TextⅠ Where Is the News Leading Us?

Aims and Demands:

1. Understand the role of the news media in social life.

2. Develop an ability to criticize the social function of the news media.

3. Learn to use argument in combination with other expository means.

Unit Ten

TextⅠ Things: The Throw-away Society

Aims and Demands:

1. Get students acquainted with the author Alvin Toffler and his studies. 2. Learn something about “future shock” and “futurology”.

3. Learn more about the method of exposition by illustration and exemplification. 4. Learn more about the method of comparison and contrast.

5. Learn to make a clear thesis statement which states both your focus of attention and your stand on the issue under discussion;

6. Know the different positions of the thesis, i.e., pre-position, mid-position, and end-position.

7. Understand the need to restate the thesis/idea (e.g., to keep the discussion coherent, to make the idea emphatic). Unit Eleven

TextⅠ Cultivating a Hobby


Aims and Demands:

1. Learning to use metaphorical language in exposition.

2. Learning to use synonymous expressions that add to the vividness and effectiveness of exposition.

3. Learning to read and appreciate Churchill’s style of writing, focusing on parallelisms in particular. Unit Twelve

TextⅠ The Science of Custom

Aims and Demands:

1. The background information of the author, Ruth Benedict and her works Patterns of Culture and The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture 2. Learning to paraphrase some sentences in the text 3. Reviewing different ways of developing an exposition Unit Thirteen

TextⅠ What Life Means to Me, Part Ⅰ

Aims and Demands:

1. The background information of the author, Jack London and his masterpieces 2. The characteristic of the language in this essay

3. Learning how to use figurative language and some rhetorical devices Unit Fourteen

TextⅠ What Life Means to Me, Part Ⅱ

Aims and Demands:

1. Learning some new words and useful expressions 2. Learning to paraphrase some sentences in the text 3. Learning to read and appreciate London’s style of writing 4. Making a distinction between narration and description Unit Fifteen TextⅠ I Have a Dream


Aims and Demands

1. The background information

2. Listening to and understanding the speech with the help of the notes provided between page 194—197

3. Noticing some characteristics of the speech such as King’s emotional appeals and their effectiveness

4. Getting to know the characteristics of the diction and sentence structure used in the present speech 四、考核方式


考题的类型:即兴演讲,翻译(汉译英,英译汉),英文写作。 五、成绩评定

本课程学期考核总成绩为100分,成绩评定按《甘肃政法学院课程考核评定 办法》及《高级英语》考试改革方案执行。学期末考评成绩由两部分组成:平时成绩(60%)和期末考试成绩(40%)。平时成绩包括:出勤(10%),课堂PPT,讲解

演示(20%),小组合作项目(10%),单元测试(10%),读书报告(20%),课后作业(10%), 经典英文背诵(10%), 期中考试(10%)。期末考试主要由三部分组成: 即兴演讲(20%),

翻译(汉译英,英译汉)(40%),英文写作(40%)。 六、教材及参考书目 1. 教材

李观仪,《新编英语教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001,第二版 2. 参考书目

黄任,《英语修辞与写作》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001 龙毛忠,《英美文学精华导读》,上海:华东理工大学出版社,2003 祁寿华,《高级英语写作指南》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001 王佐良,《欧洲文化入门》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002


