1、计算机形成的工程资料应采用内容打印,手工签名的方式。(? ) 2、在检查装修、装饰工程资料时,应注意抹灰用水泥的见证取样送检试验报告是否齐全。(× )
4、 分部(子分部)工程应由总监理工程师(建设单位项目负责人)组织有关设计单位及施工单位项目负责人和技术、质量负责人等共同验收签认。(?)
5、检验批质量验收应由总监理工程师(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)组织项目专业质量检查员等进行验收并签认。(× ) 6、质量证明文件的复印件应与原件内容一致,加盖原件存放单位公章,注明原件存放处,并有经办人签字和时间。(? ) 7、当承包单位采用新技术、新工艺时,监理工程师应审查其提供的材质证明和材料备案手册。(?)
11、有见证取样检测是在建设单位监督下,由监理或施工单位人员现 场取样,并送至具备相应资质的检测单位所进行的检测。(× ) 12、施工组织设计经承包单位的项目经理部审批后就可以报送项目监理部。(?)
13、结构实体检验采用由各方参与的见证抽样形式,以保证检验结果的公正性。(? )
14、常用水泥按出厂日期,出厂三个月、快硬水泥出厂一个月必须进行复试,并提供试验报告。(? )
15、建筑电气工程变配电室工程应单独组卷。(? )
17、电气工程使用的镀锌制品必须为热浸镀锌工艺所制成。进场加工后,再出场委托进行热浸镀锌的,需镀锌质量证明书。(? ) 18、桥架、母线只做预检,不做隐检。(?)
19、建筑照明系统通电连续试运行时间24小时.所有照明灯均应开启,且每小时记录运行状态1次,连续试运行时间内无故障。(? ) 20、电气工程安装完成后,按层、按部位(户)进行电气器具的通电检查,并进行记录。电气器具应全数进行通电安全检查。(? ) 二、单选题(共15题,每题2分)
1、《建设工程监理规程》中规定,第一次工地会议的会议记录要由哪方整理编印(B )
A、建设单位 B、监理单位C、承包单位 2、主要分部工程施工方案的审查(C)
rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as
not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.
A、由监理工程师审查并签发 B、由总监理工程师审查并签发
C、由监理工程师审核后,由总监理工程师签发并审核结论 3、涉及结构安全的试块、试件和材料进行有见证取样和送检的比例不得低于有关技术标准中规定应取样数量的(B)
A、10% B、30% C、25% D、20%
4、承包单位应根据监理单位制定的旁站监理方案,在需要实施旁站监理的关键部位、关键工序进行施工前多少时间内以书面形式通知项目监理部(B )
A、12小时内 B、24小时内 C、48小时内 5、以下(B)不属于应单独组卷的子分部工程。
A、钢结构工程 B、劲钢(管)混凝土工程 C、幕墙工程 D、有支护土方工程 6、镦粗直螺纹钢筋接头工艺检查的试验报告中,除3根接头试件的抗拉强度符合要求外,其抗拉强度应大于等于(C )倍钢筋母材的实际抗拉强度。
A、0.90; B、0.95 C、1.05
7、有抗震要求的柜架结构,其纵向爱力钢筋的进场复试报告中,除应有力学性能、工艺性能的试验结果外,还应有(A )
8、竣工图是建筑工程竣工档案的重要组成部分,是工程建设完成后的(C)。 A、主要文字材料; B、参考材料 C、主要凭证性材料 9、以下哪一项不属于钢结构工程施工记录(B )。
A、构件吊装记录 B、施工定位放线记录 C、构件安装偏差记录 D、整体安装偏差记录
A、移交手续 B、中间检查交接手续 C、补充合同 11、当在总包管理范围内的分包单位之间移交时,见证单位是__B__
A、监理单位 B、总包单位 C、建设单位 12、下列不需填写系统试运转调试记录的是(B )
A、采暖系统 B、给水系统 C、水处理系统 D、通风系统 13、锅炉在烘炉、煮炉合格后,应进行(C )小时的带负荷连续试运行,同时应进行安全阀的热状态定压检验和调整,并做记录。
A、24 B、32 C、48 D、72
14、避雷带的每个支持件承受垂直拉力应大于(B )公斤。
A、1 B、5 C、10 D、49
15、电线、电缆、照明灯具、开关、插座、风扇及附件应有出厂合格证、“CCC”认证标志和认证证书复印件。电线、电缆还须具( D)
A、 样品 B、试验记录 C、安装技术文件 D、生产许可证 三、问答题(共10题,每题3分)
1、施工过程中施工单位应收集整理的有见证取样和送检资料有哪几项, rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on
the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.
(3)建设单位应在工程竣工验收合格后6个月内,将城建档案馆预验收合格的工程档案移交城建档案馆,并办理相关手续。 (4)重点工程及五万平方米以上的大型公建工程,建设单位应将入城建档案馆保存的工程档案制作成缩微胶片,移交城建档案馆。 (5)工程参见各方应将各自的工程档案归保存,归档内容见附录A (6)单位单位、施工单位应根据有关规定合理确定工程档案的保存期限。 (7)建设单位工程档案的保持期限应与工程使用年限相同。
6、建筑外窗的进场复试项目组批原则及取样规定有哪些, 答:1、根据(GB50210-2001)规范要求的复试项目:抗风压性能、空气渗漏性能、雨水渗漏透性。
(2)同一厂家的同一品种同一类型的产品个抽查不少于3樘。 7、工程资料组卷时编制备考表的要求是什么,
答:(1)案卷审核备考表分为上下两栏,上一栏由立卷单位填写,下rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All
materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.
8、建筑给水排水及采暖工程中的施工试验记录主要有哪些, 答:灌(满)水试验记录;强度严密性试验记录;通水试验记录;吹(冲)洗(脱脂)试验记录;通球试验记录;补偿器安装记录;消火栓试射记录;安全附件安装检查记录; 锅炉封闭及烘炉(烘干)记录;锅炉煮炉试验记录;锅炉试运行记录
答 (1)卷内文件资料均按有书写内容的页面编号,每卷单独编号,页号从阿拉伯数字“1”开始依次编写。
10、地基基础与结构工程主要的隐检项目有那些, 答:a.土方工程 b.基坑支护工程 c.桩基工程 d. 地下防水工程 e.钢筋制作、安装
rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in
determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.