

2023-10-13 来源:飒榕旅游知识分享网


1. Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.(稳稳地站着)

2. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.(拥抱) 3. He parked down the street from Bobby's house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement. 4. A wild gaiety took hold of her.

5. I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.

6. They sat there with glum looks on their faces.他们坐在那里,带着一脸忧郁。 7. The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。 8. A flood of fear welled up in him. / Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。/ 恐惧淹没了他。

9. Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated(窒息).她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。

10. She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。

11. As I was sitting in the park, I watched as couples seemed to meander around happily.

12. The captain spun around and all the color drained from his face. He looked as if he was staring at a ghost.

13. He suddenly let go of me and darted out of the door with surprising speed.

14. He clutched at his throat and stood swaying for a moment. Then with a peculiar sound he fell face down on the floor.


15. Biting my lip, I tore open his shirt. Sure enough there was the key, tied to a piece of string.我咬着嘴唇,撕开了他的衬衫。果然有把钥匙,系在一根绳子上。

16. The fog was beginning to clear and a full moon shone brightly.雾开始消散,满月照耀着。

17. After a while, my curiosity was too strong to resist. I crawled back up the bank and hid behind a bush where I could see the road to our door.过了一会儿,我的好奇心太强,无法抗拒。

18. Imagine the terror I felt. I would have leaped out of the barrel and run away, if I hadn't been frozen with fear.

19. Once he started a project he would work on it for years, often going days without sleep. (人物性格)

20. His clothes were soaked(被…浸湿的) with sweat. (人物描写) 21. He felt like he was digging his own grave. (心理描写,修辞)

22. Even the people looked broken, with their worn-out(疲惫不堪) bodies sprawled(四肢摊开懒散地坐或躺) over the various chairs and sofas. (环境描写,人物描写)

23. Every muscle and joint in his body ached as he tried to get out of bed. (病痛,人物描写)

24. Zero's mouth was shut tight. As he glared at(怒视) Mr. Pendanski, his dark eyes seemed to expand. (生气, 人物描写)

25. If he jerked(猛的一动) too quickly, he felt a throbbing(阵痛) pain just above his neck where Zigzag's shovel had hit him. 26. A big smile spread across Zero's face.

27. Zero's face looked like a jack-o'-lantern that had been left out too many days past Halloween— half rotten, with sunken eyes and a drooping(颓丧) smile.

28. Zero sat as still as a statue. His legs were sore from remaining rigid for so long. (人物描写)

29. He had dark circles under her eyes from Jack of sleep. (人物描写) 30. Stanley was overcome by a rush of dizziness and almost fell over. (人物描写)

31. A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. (动作描写)

32. Stanley could see some kids dressed in orange and carrying shovels dragging themselves toward the tents.

33. Theodore whirled(急转) and grabbed Stanley by his collar.

34. He ate it all, and used his slice of white bread to mop up the juice. 35. As he reached down to pick up his canteen, he felt a sudden rush of dizziness and put his hands on his knees to steady himself. (动作描写) 36. A bright light streamed through the window, flooding the opening and spreading in a wide circle on the ceiling.

37. Almost as clearly as the sun could, the moon’s still pale light picked out vast sweeping stretching of distance, the grass shimmering and rippling like a restless sight, silver and white and grey.


38. The moon was overcast. The sky writhed with clouds. All at once thunder and lightning began. In a flash of light the fields were illuminated(照亮;说明) as far as the horizon. The stalks of wheat(小麦杆) bowed and the rain struck(strike过去式:击打) like a deluge. Before Yasha(人名)could collect his thoughts the sheets of water began to flail (打)the wagon(铁路货车) like a hailstorm(冰雹). The tarpaulin(防水帆布) tore(tear过去式:撕碎/撕破) loose from the frame. The monkey choked off a terrified scream. In less than a minute the highway was mired(使......陷入泥泞).

39. As the night advanced, the clouds closing in and densely overspreading the whole sky, then very dark, it came on to blow harder and harder.当深夜来临时,云急剧地合拢起来,整个天空乌云密布,昏暗无比。

40.It was a pleasant land of white houses, peaceful plowed fields and sluggish yellow rivers, but a land of contrasts, of brightest sun glare and dense shade. The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid, complacent.

银色的房屋,宁静的田野,加上那懒洋洋蜿蜒而去的黄泥河水,这里可以称得上是一片安乐的地方。那一片片已经清理的垦地,和绵延数理的棉花园,都好像是对着太阳微笑,显示出一片和平宁静的景象。 (二)

1.Baba lifted his head from the pages flapping in the breeze. Told me I could get the soda myself, all I had to do was look in the trunk of the car. 2.Stanley had a poster of him hanging on the wall of his bedroom (房间,环境描写)

3.As I paced,the sound of my footsteps was accompanied only by the gracefully waving leaves.All of a sudden,a beautiful mid-sized pool came into my sight,with a group of wolves scattered around,licking water or lying on the grass leisurely.

4.He ran along the alley to the end, where he spotted the man walking towards a white house.“Stop! Stop!” With these words, he charged at the guy fearlessly and held fast to Kim.

5.Nothing in life is easy But that's no reason to give up You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it

6.The air became unbearably humid(湿热的) Stanley was drenched(湿透的) in sweat Beads of moisture(水珠) ran down the handle of his shovel It was almost as if the temperature had gotten so hot that the air itself was sweating A loud boom of thunder echoed across the empty lake (炎热,天气,环境描写)

7.The sun cut through the cloud, and Stanley felt its rays beating down on him But soon more clouds filled the sky, shading Stanley

8.It was while he was walking home, carrying his wet notebook, with the prospect of having to copy the ruined pages, that the sneakers fell from the sky (事件画面感)

9.The shovels were five feet long, from the tip of the steel blade to the end of the wooden shaft (说明,介绍物品)

10.The lake was so full of holes and mounds(土丘) that it reminded Stanley of pictures he'd seen of the moon (地貌,环境描写,修辞)

11.The sun had only just come up over the horizon(地平线,天边), but he already could feel its hot rays against his face (天气,炎热, 环境描写) 12.The last word went like a bullet to my heart. 最后一句话像一颗子弹击中了我的心。

13.A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤 14.He felt the warmth surging through his body.他感到身体里涌动着一股暖流。

15.The loneliness and grief comes in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。 16.So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.她是如此羞愧以至于脸如充血般发烫。

17.Her eyes misted over as she immersed herself in their good memories. 当她沉浸在他们之间的美好回忆时,双眼蒙上了一层水雾。 18.Her brain quickened and all her senses were alert. 她的大脑快速运转,所有的感官都处于戒备状态。

19.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.


20.When the host announced that she won the prize, her heart was thumping with excitement.


21.Her rage swept through her like a tidal wave, surrounding her like a foul stench.


22.“Here!” Alice jumped up, forgetting how large she had grown, and knocked over a basketful of apples just picked from the tree.“在这儿!”爱丽丝激动地一跃,忘记了自己已经长得很大了,结果撞翻了一大篮刚摘的苹果。 23.She thought of the flowers glittering in the sunshine and the mountains turning rosy in the setting sun. And every night she cried into her pillow as though her heart would break into pieces. 她想起了阳光里闪耀的花儿,落日下慢慢变成玫瑰色的山脉。每一个夜晚,她把头埋在枕头里哭,肝肠寸断。

24.Tears welled up in Mowgli’s eyes as the memory of running wildly in the flowering field with Baloo and Bagheera sparkled into his mind. Would he ever see them again?想到和巴洛和巴格希拉在开满鲜花的田野里疯跑的那些日子,毛克利的泪水夺眶而出。他还能见到他们吗?

25.The town shriveled(干枯) and dried up along with the lake, and the people who lived there(干旱,环境描写)

26.The bus ride became increasingly bumpy(颠簸的) because the road was no longer paved(铺设好的) (道路,环境描写)

27.The air seemed thick with heat and dirt (天气,环境描写)

28.Falling leaves fluttered down in the cool mid-autumn air, bidding farewell to sweet summer and beckoning the autumn in秋天的树叶在凉爽的中秋空气中飘落,告别甜美的夏天,召唤秋天的到来。

29. It's dark now and the snow is still falling, clumps of wet flakes drifting mindlessly down, the air moist, the sidewalk mushy underfoot.现在天黑了,雪还在落下,一团团的雪花随风飘落,空气潮湿,走在人行道上,脚底粘糊糊的。 30.Kissed by the rain and shining, the wet ground is cold under my foot. The birds are busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there.

31.A dense earthly sweet smell rose from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.

32.The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped over the sky.

33.The sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality, and the stars that dotted the sky lit up the night.

34. The sunset is like orange paint on a blue canvas. 日落就像蓝色画布上的橙色颜料

The strong sun on my black hair would burn me in minutes if I couldn’t find shelter.
