


英语即兴演讲.txt都是一个山的狐狸,你跟我讲什么聊斋,站在离你最近的地方,眺望你对别人的微笑,即使心是百般的疼痛 只为把你的一举一动尽收眼底.刺眼的白色,让我明白什么是纯粹的伤害。即兴演讲是多即兴?一点准备时间都没有的么?


其次就是每个要讲的点,就叫论点好了,最好都举个比较简单的例子去支撑这个论点。有的时候你可以说according to 谁谁谁或者xxx书籍,去更好的支撑你的论点,非正式场合,基本上可以胡编乱语,但正式场合一定要有理论依据或者论据来源。举例子举一两个就好,举多了就跑题。举例子的同时就可以考虑下一步要说什么。

论点之间会有转折,接续等等的词,比如转折就有however,in spite of, although, etc. 接续就有moreover, furthermore,thus。当然像firstly ,secondly, thirdly也比较经常会用到。还有就是即兴演讲有的时候说的很兴奋,可能说的东西不是那么正确,你就要说,this is only my opinion,或者其他类似,这只是我的意见。如果你知道有不同的意见,你并不同意,当然也要提一两句,并且给出你不同意的原因。


结尾的时候你要对题目还是要做一下总结,这很重要。然后要说,Thank you for your time, is there any question?当然也可以不用说有没有什么问题。





最佳答案 1,Do you think fashion shows are important in our daily life?

2.How do you usually do to save water?

3.What's your opinion about the relationship between human beings and animals?

4.What's your attitude towards e-shops?

1.“Challenges and Opportunities for College Students in Today’s Competitive World”(在当今竞争的世界中大学生面临的挑战和机遇)。

2.An unforgettable experience

3. My entertainment

4. How can I save the earth ?

5. My favorite sport

6. How will spend this summer vacation ?

7. What are the ways to relieve pressure ?

8. As a youth, how can I help the 921 victims ?

最佳答案 1.Some one says “To be a class leader will affect one’s study results,”

What is your opinions about it?

2.Speak out your ideas of smoking in public places.

3.When you are misunderstood (误解) by your headmaster or your parents or your friend

4.Sports and human life

5.Virtue is fairer far than beauty.

6.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

7.Is money all Powerful?

8.Life on Campus

9.To know one’s self is true progress.

1. How Have I Made Use of the English-speaking Activities in the English Dormitory?

2. What Can We Benefit from the Education Ministry’s Evaluation of Our University’s Teaching Quality?

3. My understanding of our university motto: honesty, persistence, diligence and plain living

4. My understanding of the principles of evaluation from the Ministry of Education: To promote the construction with evaluation, To promote the management with evaluation, To promote the reform with evaluation. Combining the evaluation with the construction but with more emphasis on the construction

5. My understanding of our university’s target positioning: To build our university into a multi-subject university with total academic level ranking among top universities of Zhejiang Province and some subjects ranking in top subjects of China

6. My understanding of our university’s subject positioning: with economics and management subjects as the main body, promoting economics, management, science, engineering, literature and law subjects to develop in a coordinated way

7. Zhejiang Gongshang University and its \"Children Strategy\" in my eyes.

8. A higher-pay job with long hours or a lower-pay job with shorter hours. Which would you choose?

9. Our University’s teachers and faculty members in My Eyes.

10. What Does “Greeting Market Challenges by Improving Ourselves” Mean?

11. What Would You Consider Most In Choosing A Job? Salary, Job Satisfaction, Status, the Use of Your Specialty or Location?

12. The Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship among Roommates in a Dormitory
