专利名称:Position detecting method and apparatus发明人:Hirabayashi, Tomokazu申请号:EP95101683.1申请日:19950208公开号:EP0666520B1公开日:19990728
摘要:A position detecting apparatus and method of determining the detectedposition utilizing a motor driven incremental encoder to provide a signal indicative of aplurality of reference points and a moving mechanism connected to the output shaft ofthe motor with a sensor for detecting a plurality of division points wherein the sensor andthe detected division points are moved relative to each other. The plurality of divisionpoints may be provided at equal intervals, the range of output shaft motion can bedetected in the form of interval positions by detecting and measuring the output pulsecount from the incremental encoder and detecting the amount of movement via thedivision points detected by the sensor. Using the relation between the predeterminedpositions of the division points of the moving mechanism and the known positions of thereference points of the incremental encoder, the absolute value of the position of theoutput shaft can be precisely determined. In addition, by means of changing the period ofthe division points of the output shaft, information can be derived as to whether theoutput shaft is properly within a predetermined operating range and operate the outputshaft to maintain it within the operating range.
代理机构:Hoffmann, Eckart, Dipl.-Ing.