摘 要:油气运移是当今世界石油地质学中研究最薄弱的环节,也是最前沿的学科,它是成藏动力学研究的核心。断裂是裂陷盆地内重要的油气运移通道,但是断面与烃源岩接触面积小,不能吸收大量油气,大断层下降盘的水下扇砂体与生烃岩大面积接触,能吸收烃源岩中生成的大量油气,当达到一定饱和度时,温—压升高,伴随着断层的“幕式”运动,油气从砂体——中转站中沿断层向上运移成藏。正、反两方面勘探实践验证了断裂—砂体的油气中转站运移模式的正确性,它将对今后油气运移的研究和勘探起到一定的指导作用。
关键词: 断裂;砂体;中转站;油气运移;模式中图分类号:TE112 文献标识码:A
油气运移的研究因其重要性和复杂性而成为当今世界石油天然气地质学中最热门的研究课题,成藏动力学的核心就是油气运移的过程。断裂是油气运移的重要通道,尤其在裂谷盆地内更是如此,L.C.Price 曾撰文[2]指出,裂谷盆地内断层越多、活动时间越长,油气运移越充分,油气越富集。断裂是中国东部裂陷盆地内油气运移的重要通道,在渤海湾盆地内,上第三系已发现的储量约占总储量的30%,而上第三系为河流相
15No.6 2005China Petroleum Exploration图1 断裂—砂体油气运移“中转站”模式图
Fig.1 Pattern map showing "transfer station" of fault-
sandstone body oil-gas migration
石油地质 部,是凹陷边界大断层下降盘的逆牵引背斜圈闭,油层为明化镇组河流相储层,大断层沟通了黄河口凹陷沙河街组生油层与圈闭内明化镇组储层(图2),生油层与明化镇组油层垂直距离1300~2000m。渤中25-1-5井证实在运移断层附近,沙三—沙四段发育巨厚的砂体(40~260m),沙河街组砂体起到了吸收生油岩中生成的分散油气后运移到明化镇组的“中转站”作用。由于晚期断层活动弱,深部断层封闭,沙河街组砂体内有油气富集,形成沙河街组油田。
图4 港东油田上、下第三系油藏模式图
Fig.4 Pattern map showing Eogene and Neogene oil
reservoirs in Gangdong oilfield
图2 渤中25-1油田上、下第三系油藏模式图Fig.2 Pattern map showing Eogene and Neogene oil
reservoirs in Bozhong 25-1 oilfield
图3 歧口17-3油田上、下第三系油藏模式图Fig.3 Pattern map showing Eogene and Neogene oil
reservoirs in Qikou 17-3 oilfield
中国石油勘探2005年第6期图5 锦州20-1—锦州20-2地质剖面图
Fig.5 Geological section of Jinzhou 20-1-Jinzhou 20-2
图6 歧口18-7地质剖面图
Fig.6 Geological section of Qikou 18-7
[2]Price L C. Basin richness and source rock disruption:
a fundamental relationship? Journal of Prtroleum Geology[3]李丕龙.济阳成熟区非构造油气藏深化勘探[J].石油学报,
[5]Elise B Bekele.Modeling secondary oil migration with
core-scale data: Viking formation Alberta Basin. AAPG,86(1)
17No.6 2005China Petroleum ExplorationABSTRACT ABSTRACTFeatures and Exploration Potential of Lithologic Oil Reservoirs in Southern Songliao Basin // Mao Chaolin1,2,Zhao Zhanyin1,2 ,MaYutian1,2 ,Song Lizhong1 and Liu Ke1/ 1 China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083;2 PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Company, SongyuanCity, Jinlin Province138001
Abstract:On the basis of analyzing the forming conditions of lithologic oil reservoirs in the south of Songliao Basin,the types anddistributing features of lithologic oil reservoirs have been summarized. There are 6 types of lithologic oil reservoirs such as updipsandstone pinchout oil reservoir, lenticular sandstone oil reservoir,structural-lithologic oil reservoir,fault-lithologic oil reservoir,hydrodynamic trap oil reservoir and mud fractured oil reservoir. By researching and summarizing, it is thought that there would be 5forming regularities of lithologic oil reservoirs and approximately 1 billon tons oil resources potential in the southern Songliao Basin.Meanwhile, it is put forward that next target areas should be the frontal zones of the western, westsouth and eastsouth deposition systems.Key words: southern Songliao Basin, lithologic oil reservoir, distribution regularity, exploration potential, depositional system Exploration Thinking and Mapping Suggestion for Lithologic-stratigraphic Oil Traps // Yao Chao1, Jiao Guihao2, Lu Yousheng3and Zheng Lianghe3 /1 PetroChina Exploration & Production Company, Beijing 100011;2 Langfang Branch, PetroChina ResearchInstitute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Langfang City, Hebei Province 065000;3 CNPC BGP Inc., Zhuozhou City, HebeiProvince 072751
Abstract:The formation and distribution of lithologic-stratigraphic traps are dependent on the geological structural background, spacedistribution of strata, special deposition environment of the basin, and the effect of later structure events. With the theory of sequencestratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy, it analyses the various types of lithologic-stratigraphic traps, their occurrence conditions and theexploration difficulty, and also proposes the exploration thinking that builds in the basement of finding out \"three surfaces and one line\"(i.e. maximum flooding surface, initial flooding surface, unconformable surface and pinchout line) in oil-rich sags and the suggestionsthat include mapping for lithologic-stratigraphic traps and checking the interpretation quality in the term of lithologic-stratigraphic traps.The suggestion is not only helpful for mapping standardization of lithologic-stratigraphic trap, but also to promote deepening theinterpretation of lithologic-stratigraphic traps and discover more promising lithologic-stratigraphic oil reservoirs.
Key words:lithologic-stratigraphic trap, exploration difficulty, exploration thinking, three surfaces and one line, interpretation technique,industry mapping, quality checking
ÒTransfer StationÓ Model of Oil-gas Migration Formed by Fault-sandbody // Deng Yunhua /CNOOC Tianjin Company, Tianjin 300452Abstract: Oil-gas migration is regarded as the weakest link in petroleum geology research in the world and is the most frontier scienceas well, and is the core of the dynamic research of oil-gas accumulation and migration. Although fault is the important pathway for oil-gas migration in the faulted-depression basin, the contact plane of the hydrocarbon source rock is small, which cannot absorb a mass ofoil and gas. However,in the downthrow block of the major fault, the subsea fan sandbody has large contact plane with the hydrocarbonsource rock, which could absorb the most of oil and gas produced in the hydrocarbon rock. While reaching the certain saturation of oiland gas, the temperature and pressure will rise and along with the episodic movement of the fault, oil and gas will migrate upwards in thetransfer station of the sandbody along the fault, accumulate, and the reservoir will then be formed. Both the success and the failurepractice in exploration proved that the way of model\"Oil-gas Transfer Station \"of the fault-sandbody is correct, furthermore, it will guidethe research and exploration for the oil-gas migration in the future.Key words:fault, sanbody, transfer station, oil and gas migration, model
Application of Chemical Kinetic Theory in Resource Evaluation of Immature to Low-mature Oil in Huanghua Depression // LuShuangfang1, Guo Chunping1, Shen Jianian1, Wang Feng1, Liao Qianjin2 and Yu Junli2/1 Daqing Petroleum Institute, Daqing City,Heilongjiang Province 163318; 2 Research Institute of Exploration and Development ,PetroChina Dagang Oilfield Company, Tianjin 300280Abstract: The application of chemical kinetic models in Huanghua Depression indicates that the botryococcus, organic mater (OM) reworkedby microbe and soluble OM (non-hydrocarbon and asphatene) in the research region do begin to generate hydrocarbons in large amount atshallower buried depth relative to the normal threshold of oil generation. Combined with the distribution, thickness, and buried history ofsource rocks as well as their geochemical characteristics and feature of residue hydrocarbon, the quantitative evaluation shows that theamounts of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for the 2nd member of Kongdian Formation are 3.45 billion tons and 3.19 billion tonsrespectively in the south region of Kondian,and that for the 1st member of Shahejie Formation are 1.34 and 0.94 billion tons respectively,theamounts of oil resource (including mature oil) of the 2nd member are 0.71 and 0.28 billion tons respectively. This means that the 2ndmember of Kongdian Formation in south Kongdian will results the enrichment of oil accumulation of immature to low-mature oil, and theexploration potential related to the 1st member of Shahejie Formation is not negligible. These also suggest that it is both reliable and workableto evaluate the amount of generation and expulsion as well as the resource of immature to low-mature oil from the chemical kinetic theory.Key words: Huanghua Depression, immature oil, low-mature oil, resource evaluation, chemical kinetics
Karstification Study on Gas-oil Reservoirs // Liu Shanhua, Dai Zongyang and Wu Changjiang / Southwest Petroleum Institute,ChengduCity, Sichuan Province 610500
No.6 2005China Petroleum Exploration