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Method for enhancing methane production from coal

2022-03-05 来源:飒榕旅游知识分享网

专利名称:Method for enhancing methane production

from coal seams

发明人:Robert Mark Bustin,Alexander Thomas




摘要:Discloses a three step process to stimulate well production of methane fromcoal seams, wherein step one provides for injection of a treating gas into a well boreintersecting a coal seam, step two includes a shut-in period and step three comprises theplacement of a propped fracture treatment. In step one, the injection of the treating gasphysically opens pre-existing paths of weakness in the coal. As the treating gas travelsalong these planes of weakness, it preferentially adsorbs onto the coal and displaces themethane. This displacement process induces shrinkage of the coal matrix, which furtherincreases the size of the intervening existing fractures. The second step, or shut-in period,allows time for this gas exchange process to substantially complete, thereby maximizingthe effect of matrix shrinkage and enhancement of the intervening fractures. The thirdstep provides for placement of a propped fracture treatment into this enhanced fracturesystem. Propping of the enhanced fractures ensures that they remain open, even asremoval of water and methane work to close the fractures by increasing effective stresswithin the coals. The result is a stimulated coal seam that maintains enhancedpermeability during production operations.

申请人:Robert Mark Bustin,Alexander Thomas Rozak

地址:Delta CA,Calgary CA


