lesson plan
school: shanghai shi yan primary school
name: ji junling
book: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1
topic: on the farm story(2) let’s enjoy
aims: !.structures: i’ve got… it goes…it has got…
2.function: using formulaic expressions to indicate what noises.
language focus: using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions.
aids: pictures, cassette player, computer.
procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:1.warmer(a song and the students’ presentations)(tape and a farm picture on the screen)sing a song:old macdonald has a farman english corner in the classroom: talk about the animals on the farm.(students may go around the class and talk with their friends.)eg:p1:hello, paul, look at this animal. it is a cow. it goes moo moo.通过歌曲活跃气氛,让学生走进农场,感受气氛,同时展示和巩固学生已学知识。2. questions & answers what do you hear on the farm? (tape)ask and answer: teacher plays the cassette about the sounds of the animals. students do pair work.pa:ask the partner to answer the question.pb: answer.3. spelling:hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig(words)ps: spell the words.t-pa-pb-pc ii.while-task procedure:1.introduction:(computer)show the whole story .t: retell the story and ask the questions:e.g. what does the farmer say?present the sentence: it has got…整体感知故事内容,通过多媒体展示,直观、形象、生动。学生选择自己喜欢的动物编故事,提高兴趣,发展能力。2.imitation: ps: students try to read after the tape and retell the story. 3.substitution (show the different pictures of the animals on the screen)students choose and create a new story in groups.iii. post-task activity:1.a game: find out the more animal sounds on the farm:expand the student’s imagination and their abilities.e.g.: i’ve got a sheep. it goes ba ba. i’ve got a frog. it goes glug glug. 学生寻找其他动物的声音,发挥学生的想象能力,新旧知识和课内外知识有机结合,同时为学生提供自主发展的空间2.a competition: who is the best story-teller students tell the story to class, and judge.the title of the story: the sounds of the farm animals.v. assignment:tell a new story about the farm animals to parents . 巩固课堂学习内容,延伸课堂知识。
1.多媒体的运用在导入新授知识中起了很好的作用,它直观的展示了教学的重点部分,同时为学生开展之后的英语活动起起到铺垫的作用,如post-task activity中的编故事,学生因为有了先前的铺垫,在之后学习中显得容易和轻松。
3. 在各种游戏活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,发展情感,在不知不觉中提高了学生的英语能力,比如说post-task activity中设计让学生说出更多的动物的声音,学生结合自己的生活经验,肯定有很多意想不到的答案,教师及时点评,学生的收获将会更多,同时,游戏也使学生有了合作和竞争的意识。