

2022-03-30 来源:飒榕旅游知识分享网

  一、打招呼greeting .


  二、热身warm up

  let’s sing a song about one,two,buckle my shoe. are you ready?(yes)one,two,buckle my shoe,three,four ,open the door…ok,very good.

  三、情景表演 act it out

  1、我饿了i’m hungry.

  教师拿出小狗手偶和幼儿打招呼,再唱i’m hungry ,最后引出香肠。look,this is dog.hello,dog.listen,growl,growl,growl.i’m hungry.(sing)i’m hungry,growl,growl,growl…i want to eat.” wow,a sausage.

  2、五根小香肠 five little sausages

  教师出示实物或模型香肠,平底锅,盘子及相应卡片,this is a pan.this is a plate.and there are some sausages.(教师边数边把香肠放到平底锅里)one sausage,two sausages,three sausages,four sausages,five sausages.now,let’s cook the sauages.(教师边烤香肠,边唱儿歌)five little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hot, and one went bam…


  3、手指游戏 finger play

  教师做手指动作说唱本单元儿歌。now,please show me your five fingers.one,two,three,four,five.let’s sing a song….

  四、游戏活动 game time

  1、教师请五名幼儿上前面,每人伸出一个手指放在老师手上进行表演。let’s play a game.who want to try?(五名幼儿上前来)please show me your one finger like this.they are five sausages.(唱) five little sausages frying in the pan,…

  2、五名幼儿带香肠头饰站在绳子围成的圆圈中间,最后按顺序跳出。look,this is a pan.five kids are the sausages.(唱) five little sausages frying in the pan,…


  五、动画时间cartoon time

  now,let’s watch the cartoon.

  六、亲子游戏 family fun

