江苏省苏州市统计年鉴社会经济发展指标数据:1-1 行政区划和土地面积(2018年末)
表1-1 行政区划和土地面积(2018年末)ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION AND LAND AREA (END OF 2018)单位:个镇 地 区 RegionTown全 市 市 区 姑苏区 吴中区 相城区 高新区、虎丘区 工业园区 吴江区 县级市 常 熟 张家港 昆 山 太 仓注:全市土地面积根据第二次全国土地调查结果调整,Note:The land area of thewhole municipality is adjustedaccording to the result of thesecond national land survey,includes water area of TaihuLake,Yangcheng Lake,Dianshan Lake and so on. Atthe end of 2015, the river, lake,beach area accounted for36.6% of the city's land area.Whole MunicipalityUrban Area Gusu District Wuzhong District Xiangcheng District New & Hi-tech Zone, Huqiu District Industrial Park Wujiang DistrictCities at County Level Changshu Zhangjiagang Kunshan Taicang 7 32 8 8 10 6 7 4 2 52 202018)(unit)村Village1 025 436 4 84 68 31街 道Subdistrict 41 34 8 7 7 4 4 249 589 214 153 149 73 1 4 7 6居委会NeighborhoodCommittee1 180 626 169 104 76 58 148 71 554 118 144 210 82土地面积 (平方公里)Area of Land(sq.km)8 657.324 652.84 83.422 231.46 489.96 332.37 278.191 237.444 004.481 276.32 986.73 931.51 809.93