Peter never comes on time, so I suspect thathe’llbepunctual this time. There is only 5 minutes left.
Peter never comes on time, so I doubt thathe’llbepunctual this time. There is only 5 minutes left.
2. 要注意场合
John wept because of the death of his female parent. John wept because of the death of his mother.
3. 选用具体、明确的词,少用抽象、笼统的词
Only mankind can generate signals of communication of infinite variety; only mankind can speak with the use of symbols and therefore recall the past and suppose the future. 但是多用就显单调
例如 bad可以用更精确形容词替换
bad children: rude, ungraceful, selfish, hot-tempered bad meat: tough, overcooked, contaminated
具体、明确的词越精确感染力和说服力就越强: People in Cuba spend a lot of time waiting for things.
Much of a Cuban’sdayisspent waiting. People wait for taxis, for buses, for newspapers, for cream, for cakes, for restaurants, for picture postcards.
4. 删去多余的词
In the early part of the month August, there was a really mean hurricane with very high winds that was moving threateningly toward Port Arhter. In early August, a vicious hurricane with 93-mile-an-hour winds was threateningly Port Arhter.
More examples:
(important) essentials, in (the city of) Chicago; cooperated (together); as a (usual) rule; (true) acts; (flat) pancakes; yellow (in color); small (in size)
There was a mist that hung like a veil. It obscured the top of the mountain. The mist hung like a veil and obscured the mountain top. The mist, hanging like veil, obscured the mountaintop. The mist veiled the mountaintop.
The solution to the problem of overpopulation at first sounded like a strange solution. Their solution to the problem of overpopulation at first sounded strange.
In 1975 the Steelers beat the Vikings; in 1976 the Steelers beat the Cowboys. In 1975 the Steelers beat the Vikings; in 1976 the Cowboys.
Julia delights in giving parties; entertaining guests is a pleasure. Julia delights in giving parties. 造句
Snow here is as scarce as Miami.(不完整) Snow here is as scarce as Miami.
Barbars knows a woman had a lawyer like that. Barbars knows a woman who had a lawyer like that.
His income is less than his wife. His income is less than that of his wife.
He was a good teacher. Being sympathetic with students and fascinated by his subject. He was a good teacher, sympathetic with students and fascinated by his subject.
The economy began picking up finally in 1939. The effects of World War II. The economy began picking up finally in 1939 because of World War II.
虽然我们强调文章要简洁,但不可错误地认为句子越短越好。如果一段文章中出现了过多的短句,停顿太多-,就会显得不连贯。有的学生怕出错,有意使用短句,把本来可合为一句且表达更清楚的句子断为两句,这样的做法不应得到鼓励和提倡。扩展句子的方法很多,下面分别介绍几种常用的方法。值得注意的是,我们并非反对短句,把前后意思毫不相关的两个句子或短语硬罗列一处同样不可取。 I.并列
(a)表示附加内容,主要关联词有“and,also,besides,moreover,furthermore”,其中除 “and”连接的句子需用逗号隔开外,其他词要用分号,例: He did the work, and he did it well.
I don't like skating; moreover, the ice is too thin.
(b)表示时间先后,关联词有“afterwards,earlier,later,then”,前后要用分号隔开,例: Bill was once an all-star professional basketball player; then he became a United States senator. In November last year, he announced his retirement; earlier, in May, he celebrated his fortieth anniversary on the job.
(c)表示因果关系,关联词主要有“accordingly,consequently,for,hence,therefore,thus” (有时“and”也可表示结果),除“so,for,and”前用逗号外,其他的用分号,例: He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected. Miss Smith felt no fear, for she was a brave woman.
Not has the talent to become an accomplished musician, but most people can learn to appreciate good music. Yearly snowfall averages thirty inches in our area; this year, however, we have already received fifty inches.
(e)表条件,关联词主要有“otherwise, or, or else, either---or”,例:
Either my sister will keep her present job or she will move to Hawaii to work for a sugar company. Do what you are told; otherwise you will be punished.
另一点必须说明的是,关联词“and,but,yet,or,for,so”前面也可以不用任何标点隔开。此外,在上下关系十分清楚的情况下,也可以只用分号隔开而省略关联词,例: Writing is not a simple task; it reqiures patience and practice.
简单明了的句子固然在写作中占据着重要的地位,但类似上述并列句则更能体现出深厚的语 言功底和很强的逻辑思维能力。 Ⅱ.同位语
(1) William Faulkner was a writer of prose fiction. He is considered by many to be America's greatest author. William Faulkner, a writer of prose fiction, is considered by many to be America's greatest author.
(2) Wilkinson is the skillful and enthusiastic translator of this horrifying book. He is himself a scientist. Wilkinson, the skillful and enthusiastic translator of this horrifying book, is himself a scientist. 比较下面两句的差别:
Mr. Moxie's son, Toby, has entered medical school. (Moxie只有一个儿子,叫Toby)
Mr. Moxie's son Toby has entered medical school. (Moxie's的儿子不只一个,其中一个叫Toby)