Interlock system:
1. The removable unit can be moved only when the switchgear also means the switch driver
breaks off, and the ES is in the OPEN position. (ES-Earthing Switchs)
2. ES can be operated only when the removable unit is in the test position or removed position. 3. The removable unit can be operated only when it is in the test/service/removed position. 4. The removable unit can be closed in the service position only when the related auxiliary
circuit is closed, and on the contra, the auxiliary circuit can not open when the removable unit is closed in the service position.
5. Logical interrogative interlocks between the removable unit and ES on HV-door (all with the
shutter). The HV-door can be open when the removable unit is in the test position, or it is can’t open.
Remark: removed position is out of the switchgear.
3.防止接地开关在闭合位置时将断路器、 接触器推入工作位置合闸 4.防止在带电时误合接地开关 5.防止误入带电间隙
Carriage achieves function:
1. Carry the removable unit in/out the switchgear. Usually every revolve circle is forward/back
10 millimeter, and the all journey usually is 200mm. 2. It must be earth by the part that fix in the vacuum circuit breaker. So the carriage must well
link with the VCB.
3. Achieve the interlock system function that in the up section 1 2 3 by the part (reference the
follow diagram) belong the carriage that link with the removable unit. And can with other equipments fixed on the switchgear commonly achieve the function of 4 and 5. 4. The latch electrical is used the auxiliary contact which type is S8S9 usually. 5. The tradition type number is 946-0188.3.
高压开关柜应具备防止误分、合断路器,防止带负荷分、合隔离开关或隔离插头,防止接地开关合上时(或带接地线)送电,防止带电合接地开关(或挂接地线),防止误入带电隔室等五项措施。 Reference:
Interlock function part link with the removable unit.
Check the GB3906 standards.
The xin qiao mechanical company provides the carriage type: DPC - * * - * / *, the last two * mean the switchgear width is 650mm/800mm/1000mm and the middle door latch function. Design hint:
The removable part of carriage. The fixed part of the carriage
Question: when the removable part moves, there are some waver in the plane.
Answer: When the frame part have some superposition with the fixed part, must have over 4mm gap between them. The better design is that they don’t have any superposition.