雅思口语题库part2话题原创高分范文一条校规a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
You should say:
What is the rule
Why this rule has to be established
What will happen if we break down this rule?
What are the positive and negative effects of this rule
When I was in high school there was a very strict rule requiring boys to have
their hair cut to a certain length – in particular, I mean, to be specific, the
hair had to be at least one inch above the collar. I was at a boys school so it
didn’t apply to any girls. This was enforced by a teacher who had the job of
walking around every Wednesday and checking boys’ hairstyles. I don’t know when
the rule was made, but it was a very traditional school and it was a pretty old
rule. I think it was standard for that kind of school. At the time, I didn’t
like the rule because, like all the other boys, I really wanted to be, err, to
have long hair. We thought that hair, long hair, looked good on men. This was in
the _70s when men all had shoulder-length hair and we were, arr, saturated with
images of men with hair that was shoulder length or longer, – actors, pop stars,
even the politicians. If you look back now, you can see that all of the men at
that time had quite long hair. Although the pictures look pretty daggy now,
that’s how it was so…. At the time I thought it was an unnecessary rule, and I
was mortified on the day when I was given a haircut when the teacher caught me
with my hair being too long. The school used to hire an army barber to come in
and cut people’s hair if they were, uh, if they were caught breaking the rule.
At the time, the school used to talk about encouraging a polite attitude,
encouraging a civilised attitude, but I didn’t respect that.
地道用词:to be specific
shoulder-length hair
above the collar
look back
高分句型:When I was in high school there was a very strict rule requiring boys to
have their hair cut to a certain length – in particular, I mean, to be specific,
the hair had to be at least one inch above the collar.
At the time I thought it was an unnecessary rule, and I was mortified on the
day when I was given a haircut when the teacher caught me with my hair being too
雅思口语题库part2话题原创高分范文一条校规a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
雅思口语part 2话题
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
You should say:
What is the rule
Why this rule has to be established
What will happen if we break down this rule?
What are the positive and negative effects of this rule
When I was at school there were many rules we had to follow. Most of them
were regarding discipline; you know, like not running in the corridors, not
fighting in the playground, things like that.
I guess by the time I arrived at high school I was accustomed to such rules,
like most students. It becomes normal and most students obey, or follow, the
rules. But there are always one or two e_ceptions.
I can remember one student who was e_pelled from school for constantly
fighting with other students. The student had been transferred from another
school, and was known as a ‘difficult case’ in terms of discipline.
He didn’t really show much respect for the teachers and used to hang around
with a bad group of people. Anyway, he was always getting into trouble with
teachers and other students, and eventually he was e_pelled after fighting with
another boy within the school grounds, and subsequently transferred to another
Some rules seem silly at times, but clearly the rule about fighting is a good
one because it’s dangerous, and other students might follow this bad e_ample and
then there would be a lot of disorder and it would affect the atmosphere of the
So obviously it was a good rule, and I think that the punishment for breaking
the rule several times – e_pulsion from school – was correct so as to deter any
other students from following a bad e_ample.
It’s important that students learn to obey rules at school, because it’s just
part of life. When you grow up and become an adult there are many more rules
have to follow, such as when you’re driving, working, and many other aspects pf
life which are governed by rules.
Learning to respect rules, and authority, even if you don’t fully understand
why, or agree with the rules, is an essential part of becoming a productive
member of society, and so it is something that children should be e_pected to
learn from the first day they enter into the education system – because rules
will be part of their live every day for the rest of their lives.
there were many rules we had to follow,直到I was accustomed to such rules,
都没有具体说明要说哪一条校规,第三段开始,始终说的都是Some rules. 尽管该考生在雅思口语评分标准从四个方面(fluency
coherence, le_ical resource, grammar range, Pronunciation)表现不错,但是忘记了问题关键 a
雅思口语题库part2话题原创高分范文一条校规a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
You should say:
What is the rule
Why this rule has to be established
What will happen if we break down this rule?
What are the positive and negative effects of this rule
I’m going to talk about a rule at my primary school. The school I went to
wasn’t a pretty rela_ed place and in fact there weren’t that many rules and
regulations. We were for instance encouraged to speak in class as much as
possible because our teachers wanted us to learn how to e_press ourselves. It
was that sort of place – really liberal.
The one rule that I really remember though was that we couldn’t use our
mobile phones in class. The school was really strict about this and you could
get into a lot of trouble if you became a repeat offender. Normally it wasn’t
much of a problem. If a teacher saw a student with a mobile, he’d just tell him
to turn it off and pay attention to what he was saying. Then again, there were
some teachers who would confiscate any mobile phones they saw at all – even if
they were not being used and were just lying on the desk.
I suppose the reason for the rule was to make sure that all the students were
paying attention to the teacher or just doing what they were supposed to be
doing and not te_ting their friends or browsing the net. I think the idea was
that the school was happy to have kids talking to each other but weren’t nearly
so happy if they were writing te_ts – perhaps because the teacher wouldn’t know
what was being said.
Did I like the rule? Not really. I thought that it would have been much
better of we’d been allowed to use out phones more. There’re so many great
learning apps on phones that it seemed a little silly that we had to learn just
on paper.
get into a lot of trouble
lie on the desk
browse the net
use out phones
高分句型:Normally it wasn’t much of a problem.
Then again, there were some teachers who would confiscate any mobile phones
they saw at all – even if they were not being used and were just lying on the
I suppose the reason for the rule was to make sure that all the students were
paying attention to the teacher or just doing what they were supposed to be
doing and not te_ting their friends or browsing the net.
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