句子常分为陈述句、问句、祈使句和感叹句四大类.在翻译中多遇见的是陈述句,形式是主语先行,如:物价又上涨了.Princes are going up again.
明天把一切都准备好. Get everything ready tomorrow.
What+ a〔n〕 adj. + n+主谓!
How +adj. /adv. +主谓!
How +adj. +a〔n〕 +主谓!
你今晚有空吗? Will you be free tonight?
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What’s your impression of the city?
Is the delegation arriving today or tomorrow?
在这里工作多年了对吧?You’ve been working here for many years, haven’t you?
〔1〕 主语+谓语动词
如:门铃响了The door bell rang.
The dish looks inviting.
〔3〕 主语+谓语动词+宾语
如:很多人在申请这份工作. Many people arc applying for the job
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如:我把护照拿给他们看. I showed them my passport
I showed my passport to one of the immigration officers.
如:我闻见有东西烧焦了.I smelt something burning.
〔1〕 只要专心学习,你一定能顺利通过考试.〔条件状语从句〕
So long as/If you concentrate on your studies , you’11succceed in passing the
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〔2〕 她挥舞着手发疯了似的.〔方式状语从甸〉
she waved her hands as if she were mad.
〔3〕 你爱坐哪里就坐哪里.〔地点状语从句〕
You can sit where you like.
〔4〕 主席走进来,我们就都站了起来.〔时间状语从句〕
We all stood up as soon as /the moment the chairman entered.
〔5〕 天那么黑,我看不清彼此的脸了.〔结果状语从句〕
It was so dark that we couldn’t see each other’s faces.
〔6〕 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营早度过的日子.〔定语从句〕
This photo reminds me of the days 〔that〕 we spent in the summer camp.
〔7〕 作品得奖的女孩是班上最小的学生.〔定语从句〕
The girl whose work got the prize is the youngest in her class.
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〔8〕 你该就你刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉. 〔宾语从句〕
You should apo1ogize to all the people present for what you have just done.
〔9〕 这一切是怎么发牛的对我是一个谜.〔主语从句〕
How it all happened is a mystery to me.
〔10〕 金钱万能这个思想是错误的.〔同位语从句〕
The idea that money1neahs everything is unsound.・
〔1〕 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大.〔Never〕
Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.
〔2〕 只有通过努力我们才能成功.〔Only…〕
Only by working hard can we succeed.
〔3〕 直到那时我才意识到我犯了一个多么严重的错误.〔Not until…〕
Not until then did I realize what a serious mistake I had made.
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〔4〕 尽管他还是个孩子,他却承担起了养家的责任.〔as〕
Child as he is, he takes on the responsibility of supporting the family
〔5〕 她累得一上床就睡着了.〔So〕
so tired she was that she fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.
〔1〕 他就是在那座教堂里结婚的.〔It〕
It was in that church that he got married
〔2〕 他到底是在什么时候犯下的罪?
When was it
〔1〕The more…., the more……
The more books you read, the more good it will do you.
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〔2〕there be句型
阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查词典.〔There be〕
〔3〕祈使句+and you’ll…
One more try, and you are likely to succeed.
〔4〕 would rather
我宁可在家看报纸和杂志也不愿去电影院看这么可怕的电影.〔would rather〕
I would rather stay at home reading newspapers and magazines than go to the cinema to see such a horrible film.
You can’t be too careful when checking your paper
〔6〕It’s high time sb. did
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It’s high time that we took action.
1〕人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展.〔keep up with〕
People find it harder and harder to keep up with the development of modern science.
2〕 众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病.
It is known to all that smoking can cause many diseases.
3〕 就我所知,在那座小城里购物很方便.〔as far as〕
As far as I know,, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city.
4〕 保护环境是每个公民的职责.〔L..〕
It is the duty of every citizen to protect our environment.
5〕 我没有想到汤姆会被选举为学生会主席.occur
It never occurred to me that Tom would be made Chairman man of the Students’ Union.
6〕 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽.〔It….〕
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It’s very hard for those who haven’t been to the small village to describe its beauty.
7〕 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作.〔…it…〕
I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.
1〕 我们非常感激老师为我们提供许多好书.〔grateful〕
We are most grateful to our teacher for providing us with many good books.
2〕 充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书.〔keep〕
Making full use of time doesn’t mean keeping on reading books from morning till night.
3〕 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力.
4〕 我们盼望能参加下星期举行的艺术节开幕式.〔look forward to〕
We are looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of the art festival to be held next week.
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To keep fit, we often take part in physical exercises.
1.We were about to reach our hotel when one of us fainted on the shuttle bus.
2.I’d appreciate it very much if
3. If it is convenient to you, I’d like your to translate this speech into German.
4. There is no doubt that you have to answer for what you have done.
⒌ I feel it my duty to teach my students to respect other cultures.
6. It’s essential that the damaged road be repaired immediately.
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7. There is no proof that smoking can refresh a man.
8.The instant he heard a cry for help, he ran in the direction of it.
9.It is 1ikely that you will feel sorry for your reckless decision.
10 . What really matters to a driver is not how fancy his car is , but how safe it is.
l1.Only with a microscope can you study germs.
12. We no longer wonder at the phenomenon that young couples choose not to have kids.
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13,I would rather stay for the night on the street than check in the dirty inn.
14. Scarcely had he left the hospital when he was infected with another disease.
15. Seldom does our history teacher get angry with us.
16 There is sign that many families will buy a second car.
17, It’s strange that he should have missed the plane.
18、It was not until he took off his sun glasses that I recognized he was my uncle.
19.It was a waste of time discussing such questions without answers.
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20. The patients were told to wait in queue, whether they had made reservations or not.
不管预约过与否, 病人们都被告知要排队等候.
Translate the following sentences into English with the given words in the brackets.
1. 据说饭后散步有益于健康.〔It is…〕
2. 他所有的零钱都是花在了邮票上.〔It is…〕
3. 那位工程师已经三年没回家乡了〔since〕
4. 乐于助人的人最容易相处.〔those〕
5. 他第一次乘飞机时紧张得说不话来.〔the first time〕
6. 她兴奋得不能自己.〔 too….〕
7. 如果你们不相互合作,就很难完成任务.〔unless〕
8. 无论我怎么努力,就是无法说服他们接受新方案.〔no matter…〕
9. 不管前方的路有多难走,你不能轻易放弃.〔however〕
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10. 无论你从事何种职业,懂电脑是必不可少的.〔whatever〕
11. 不管多忙只要邻居需要,他都会去帮忙.〔as long as〕
12. 有时候让你疲惫的不是远方的大山,而是你鞋里的一粒沙子〔it is〕
13. 那位科学家谦虚地说他所做的不值一提.〔worth〕
14. 尽管自己缺钱,他仍在资助那个山里娃.〔…as…〕
15. 好好休息,你很快就会恢复体力的.〔 and〕
16. 那些孩子不顾大雨,仍在兴奋地踢球.〔despite〕
17. 除了下雨他每天早晨环湖慢跑半小时.〔except〕
18. 据我所知,那位作家从未写过情书.〔 as far as〕
19. 他不太在乎旁人对他言行的看法.〔Little ….〕
20. 他在颁奖典礼上没有说一句话.〔Not….〕
21. 你最好改弃,否则后果不堪设想.〔otherwise〕
22. 毫无疑问,我们都被他的谎言欺骗了.〔there…〕
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23. 你掌握的词汇量越大,你就越能用这一语言表达思想.〔the more….the more….〕
24. 你一旦作出承诺,就一定不能使大家失望.〔once〕
25. 看到家乡的巨变,我几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛.〔Hard1y.、.〕
26. 对于高一学生来说,这道计算题再简单不过了.
27. 该读书俱乐部欢迎任何喜爱古典文学之士.〔 whoever〕
28. 这姑娘一言不发地走出了办公室.〔without〕
29. 爬了一天的山,他累得连澡也没洗就睡觉丁.〔so...that.¨〕
30. 他几乎对自己丧失信心的时候, 同事们向他伸出援助之手.〔 about〕
31. 他犹豫了好久才作出决定.〔before〕
32. 在美国,将孩子独自留在家中是违法的.〔It 〕
33. 通过阅读英语报纸杂志可以提高语言的摄入量.〔by〕
34. 在超市,人们会情不白禁去买根本不需要的东西.〔cannot〕
35. 只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹.〔as long as〕
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36. 互联网使人与人之间的交流越来越容易了.〔It〕
37. 我真傻,以为大家都会赞同我的提议.〔It〕
38. 直到黄昏他才意识到自己陷人困境.〔Not unti1〕
39. 玩电子游戏的时间越长,你的视力会越差.〔the more…..〕
40. 使我们失望的是,那位作家没为我们签名,也没跟我们说话.
41. 一有感冒症状,你得尽快去看医生.〔once〕
42. 你只有加倍努力才能赶上你的同学.〔 only〕
43. 太空旅游并没有人们想象得那么浪漫.〔 so…as〕
44. 教授的演讲很精彩,大礼堂座无虚席.〔So….〕
45. 人类首次登月距今近四十年.〔since〕
46. 他每次路过母校都不忘顺便探望他的老师.〔every time〕
47. 你该好好反省一下自己的所作所为.〔high time〕
48. 手术后她虚弱得很,不能照顾自己.〔too〕
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49. 如果你能帮我买两节电池,我将感激不尽.〔if〕
50. 除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将流产.〔unless〕
51. 她一直默默无闻,直到在演唱赛中夺得第一名. 〔 until〕
52. 真正重要的不是你的言辞,而是你的行动.〔What〕
53. 我们一定要全力以赴,力争在天黑前抵达目的地.〔whatever〕
54. 那位明星无论走到哪儿,两位保镖都寸步不离.〔 wherever〕
55. 不管你有没有犯罪,在法庭上一定要尊重法官.〔whether〕
56. 他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦.〔as〕
57. 应该把火柴放在孩子拿不到的地方.〔where〕
58. 那位总统辞职后很少在公众场合露面.〔Seldom〕
59. 他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误.〔how〕
60. 既然我们现在不能达成一致,不妨让老师来作最终决定.〔up to〕
61. 租辆自行车,你就可以环游这座历史古城了.〔and〕
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62. 这对夫妇决定,再穷也要设法供儿子上大学.〔no
63. 他一看到警车就意识到出事了.〔 the moment〕
64. 由于写得匆忙,这个报告里错误百出.〔written〕
65. 由于没有得到回复,他决定再给她写一封信.〔not having〕
66. 交通信号灯一转成红色,驾驶员就把汽车停了下来.〔 The moment〕
67. 她英语说得这么好,以至于许多人都认为她是在英国或美国长大的.〔such that〕
68. 他虽然聪明,但不大可能把全部时间投入他的工作.〔… as ….〕
69. 请把杂志放回你刚才取阅的地方.〔where〕
70. 你对形势相肖无知,你不能否认这个事实.〔that〕
71. 她愿意和一位盲人结婚,她的父母对此难以相信.〔which〕
72. 仔细阅读说明书,你自己就能操作这台机器了.〔and〕
73. 别想得到你不该得的东西,否则你会后悔的.〔or〕
74. 他不仅失去了所有的钱, 连房子也被烧了.〔Not Only〕
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75. 这孩子如此可爱以至于四周的人都喜欢他.〔So…〕
76. 这位穷人几乎赚不到足够的钱来抚养子女.〔Hardly〕
77. 我们认为保护老人和弱者是我们的责任.〔it〕
78. 你没有看到那位受伤的孩子躺在路边吗?〔Don’t..〕
79. 在陌生人面前这女孩害怕得不知所措.〔so..,that〕
80. 说他宁可用一部分时间打工挣钱,也不向同事借钱.〔prefer〕
81. 天气恶劣,让我们乘火车不要乘飞机,好吗?〔Let’s…〕
82. 为什么不把那台坏的电脑送回买这个产品的商店去呢?〔Why…〕
83. 那个小城镇不再是以前那个偏僻荒凉的地方了. 〔no longer〕
84. 他买了另一幢房子,不是为了居住而是想等高价出售, 结果投资失败了. 85. 虽然他喜欢被人邀请去聚会,但并不愿意赠送礼物给别人.〔While…〕
1. It is said that walking after meals is good for your health.
2. It is on stamps that he spends all his pocket money.
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3. It is three years since that engineer left his hometown.
4. Those who are ready to help others are easy to get along with.
5. The first time he took a plane, he was too nervous to say anything.
6. She was too excited to control herself.
7. It is hard for you to finish the task unless you cooperate with each other.
8. No matter how hard I’ve tried, I can’t persuade them to accept the new project.
9. However difficult the road ahead is, you can’t give up easily.
11. However busy he is, he will go to help his neighbors as long as they need it.
12. Sometimes it is a grain of sand in your shoe rather than the distant mountain that tires you out.
13. That scientist said modestly that what he had done was not worth mentioning.
14. Short of money as he is, he is still providing financial support for the child from the mountain.
15. Have a good rest, and you will soon recover your strength.
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16. Despite the heavy rain, those kids were still playing football excitedly.
17. He goes jogging around the lake for half an hour every morning except when it rains.
18. As far as I know, that writer has never written any love letter.
19. Little does he care about others’ opinions of his words and deeds.
20. Not a word did he say at the award ceremony.
21. You’d better give up, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.
22. There is no doubt that we were all cheated by his lies.
23. The larger your vocabulary is, the better you can express yourself in the language.
24. Once you make a promise, be sure not to let all down.
25. Hardly can I believe my own eyes when I saw the great changes in my hometown.
26. The calculating problem can’t be simpler for a senior one student.
28. Without saying a word, the girl went out of the office.
29. Having climbed the mountain the whole day, he was so tired that he went to sleep without taking a bath.
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30. He was about to lose self-confidence when his colleagues lent him a helping hand.
31. He hesitated a long time before he made his decision.
32. It is against the law to leave a child alone at home in the USA.
33. We can increase our language input by reading English newspapers and magazines.
34. At the supermarket people cannot help but buy things that they don’t really need.
37. It was foolish of me to think that everyone would approve of my proposal.
38. Not until dusk did he realize that he had got into trouble.
39. The more time you spend playing video games, the poorer / worse your eyesight will be.
40. To our disappointment, that writer didn’t sign his name for us, nor did he talk to us.
41. Once you show the symptoms of cold, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
42. Only if you double your efforts can you catch up with your fellow students.
43. Space travel is not so romantic as people thought.
44. So wonderful was the professor’s lecture that there was not a single vacant seat in
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the hall.
45. It is nearly forty years since man first set foot on the moon.
46. Every time he passes by his Alma Mater he won’t forget to drop in on his teachers.
47. It is high time you reflected on what you have done.
48. She was too weak after the operation to look after herself.
49. I would appreciate it very much if you could buy two batteries for me.
50. Unless you take urgent measures, our plan will be spoiled.
51. She remained unknown until she came first in the singing contest.
52. What really matters is not what you say but what you do.
53. We must do whatever we can to try to reach our destination before dark.
54. Wherever that star goes, his two bodyguards follow him closely.
56. Blind in both eyes as he was, he didn’t give up his dream of being a writer.
57. Matches should be kept where children can’t reach them.
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58. Seldom did the president show up in public after his retirement.
59. He suddenly realized how silly a mistake he had made.
60. Now that we can’t reach an agreement, we might as well leave the final decision up to our teacher.
61. Rent a bicycle and you can make a tour of this historical ancient town.
62. The couple decided that no matter how poor they were, they would try to afford their son to go to college.
63. The moment he saw the police car, he realized that something had happened.
64. Written in a hurry, the report was full of mistakes.
65. Not having received any reply, he decided to write her a second letter.
66. The moment the traffic light turned red, the driver stopped his car.
67. She could speak such good English that many people thought she was brought up in Britain or in the United States.
68. Clever as he is, he is not likely to devote all his time to his work.
69. Please put the magazine where you took it to read.
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70. You cannot deny the fact that you are quite ignorant of the situation.
71. She would like to be married to a blind man, which her parents could hardly believe.
72. Read the directions carefully, and you’ll be able to operate the machine yourself.
73. Don’t try to obtain what you’re not supposed to have, or you’ll regret later.
74. Not only has he lost all his money, but his house was burned as well.
75. So lovely is the child that all the people around like her.
76. Hardly can the poor man make enough money to support his children.
77. We think it our duty to protect the old and the weak.
78. Don’t you see the injured boy lying by the roadside?
79. In front of the stranger the girl was so frightened that she was at a loss.
80. He says he prefers making money by doing a part-time job to borrowing money from his colleagues.
81. Let’s consider taking a train instead of a plane in such bad weather, shall we?
83. That small town is no longer the lonely deserted place it used to be.
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84. He bought another house not to live in but to sell it at a higher price, but in the end his investment turned out a failure.
85. While feeling happy to be invited to parties, he doesn’t like to send gifts to others.
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