




[摘要]:本文介绍了MCGS主要特点、组态过程和Visual Basic混合编程在远程监控中的应用。以典型水位控制系统为例,利用MCGS模拟水位和流量测算过程,开发一个水位控制远程监控系统。根据过程控制实验需要,采用MCGS组态软件开发三只水箱水位控制实验装置,利用MCGS与VB实现远程数据通讯,并利用智能调节仪进行下位数据采集,通过实验证实实现了良好的测控效果。 关键词:MCGS;智能调节仪;水位;远程监控;数据库 前言



1 MCGS工控组态软件




(1)丰富的设备驱动程序,通过Active DLL把设备驱动挂接在系统中,配置简单、速度快、可靠性高。




图1 MCGS体系结构图 设备窗口MCGS组态软件系统包括组态环境和运行环境两大部分,用户所有组态配置过程都是在组态环境中进行的,用户组态后可生成一个“组态结果数据库”文件。MCGS运行环境是一个独立的运行系统,它能按照“组态结果数据库”中的组态方式进行各种处理,完成用户组态设计的目标和功能。


实时数据库 用户窗口 主控窗口 运行策略 多任务 组态环境 多线程 运行环境 构建动画 动画显示 流程控制 现场控制 报警组态 设计报表 构建动画 连接设备 实时数据库组态软件核心实时数据库流程控制 报警输出 组态 报表打印 设备输出 建动画

图2 MCGS系统整体框图

2 运用MCGS建立运行程序一般过程





(5)在主控窗口建立新工程。主控窗口中可以放置一个设备窗口和多个用户窗口,负责调度和管理这些窗口的打开或关闭。主要的组态操作包括:定义工程的名称, 编制工程菜单,设计封面图形,确定自动启动的窗口,设定动画刷新周期,指定数据库存盘文件名称及存盘时间等。


(7)运行与调试。当以上步骤完成以后,先进行组态检查通过后就可以进入运行环境调试。 3 水位控制系统的组成



图3 水位控制系统组态画面



水位控制系统画面 通讯状态画面 实时曲线画面 历史曲线画面 智能调节仪 液位传感仪1 液位传感仪2 电动调节阀 流量传感器1 流量传感器2

图4 上下位机组成结构图

3.1 属性设置

要使MCGS能正确操作智能仪表,先设置该构件的属性 : (1)仪表的地址,必须和仪表Addr参数设置一致。 (2)用于设置仪表的输入范围。


(4)设置仪表的OP值方式, 不设置OP值表示只读OP值,自动设置OP值表示写OP。


3.2 设备命令

智能仪表可通过设备命令实现其全部通讯功能,其命令格式如下: Read (Cmd,PV,SV.OP,dat):读取仪表的PV值.SV值,OP值,Dat值。Cmd为命令代号.PV 为存储读取的PV值的变量,SV为存储读取的SV值的变量,OP为存储读取的OP值的变量,Dat为存储读取的Dat值的变量,Dat值的含义


Cmd的值包括:SV/SteP(上限报警)、HlAL(给定值/程序段)、LoAI (下限报警)、dHAL(正偏差报警)、dl AI (负偏差报警)、dF(回差)、CtrL(控制方式)、M50(保持参数)、P(速率参数)、t(滞后参数)、CtI(控制周期)、Sn(输入规格)、diP(小数点位置)、dlL(下限显示值)、dIH(上限显示值)、CJC(冷端补偿)、Sc(传感器修正)、oP1(输出方式)、(oPl 输出下限)、oPH(输出上限)、CF(系统功能选择)、Baud(波特率/程序运行控制字)、Addr(通讯地址)、d1 (数字滤波)、run(运行参数)、Loc(参数封锁)等。 3.3 设备命令的实现方法

MCGS运行策略的设备操作构件实现,具体操作如下: (1)在运行策略中新建一个用户策略; (2)在策略工具箱中选取设备操作构件;



即在脚本程序中执行如下函数实现SetDevice(DevName,DevOp,CmdStr):按照设备名字对设备进行操作。 3.4 设备调试

设备调试在“设备调试”属性页中进行, 以检查和测试模块是否正常工作.在进行调试前,要先接好模块电源和串行通讯线,把模块地址、波特率和各种参数设置正确、Addr参数必须和模块地址一致,串口号、波特率、数据位位数、停止位位数、校验方式必须和父设备的设置一致, 打开主机即可调试。( 注意:对通讯状态通道调试时,通道值一列显示设备通讯状态,0表示通讯成功,1表示通讯失败。对模拟量输入通道调试时,通道值一列显示模拟量输入通道的实际测量值。对模拟量输出通道调试时,通道值一列输入要输出的值。) 4 利用VB与MCGS实现系统远程

控制通过SetValueFromName和GetValueFromName对象函数可以赋值或者得到MCGS中的实时数据,要使VB和MGCS建立起通道,涉及到Visual Basic数据


ADC高级数据连接器(Advanced Data Connector) ,ADC主要是一种直接访问或者通过ADO访问远程OLE DB对象的一种技术,它也支持主要应用在微软IE浏览器上的数据绑定控件ADO Active数据对象( Active DatObjects) ,ADO设计为一种极简单的格式,通过ODBC的方法同数据库接口.可以使用任何一种ODBC数据源,即不仅适合于SQL Server,Oracle,Access等数据库应用程序,也适合于Excel表格、图形文件和无格式的数据文件。

DAO数据访问对象(Data Access Objects是一种面向对象的界面接口。通过DAO/Jet功能可以访问ISAM数据库,使用DAO/ ODBC Direct功能可以实现远程RDO功能。

Jet数据连接性引擎技术(Joint Engine Technology) 一种基于工作站通过DAO的数据库访问机制。虽然能通过Access提供的ODBC驱动程序访问Jet数据库,但使用这些驱动程序在功能上有所限制。

ODBC开放式的数据库连接(Open Database Connectivity) 一种公认的关系数据源的接口界面。能提供统一接口的界面,ODBC对任何数据源都未作优化。

在文中所设计的系统中,主要采用ADO数据访问对象来实现VB对数据库的访问和操作。系统中涉及到ADO中的几个常用控件 Connection String(数据库的连接),RecordSource(数据源类型),Refresh(数据刷新),Recordset.Update(记录更新)等等。


Adodc1.ConnectionString=“Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\\myDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False” Adodc1.RecordSource=“select * from control” Adodc1.Refresh

Text1.Text= Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) ……………………………

Text3.Text= Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2) Adodc1.Recordset.Update Adodc1.Recordset.Close

随着系统的不断运行,必须考虑到历史数据的问题,可以通过MCGS的ODBC接口,上位机可将历史数据备份至数据库服务器中。由于MCGS以Access数据库存储历史数据,当历史数据量较大时管理不方便,所以数据库服务器采用SQL server 2000。备份时将MCGS的所有历史数据导人SQL server2000,恢复时从SQL server2000中按起止时间有选择地恢复历史数据。 5 结 语


参 考 文 献

[1] MCGS参考手册[M]. 北京:北京昆仑通态自动化软件科技有限公司,2003:60—196.

[2] MCGS用户指南[M].北京:北京昆仑通态自动化软件科技有限公司,2003:13—180.

[3]金以慧.过程控制[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2002:103—186. [4]新型智能电动调节阀手册[M]. 上海: 上海万迅仪表有限公司.2003:8—18.

[5]AI全通用人工智能调节器说明书[M]. 上海:上海万迅仪表有限公司,


[6]段 兴,吴德胜. Visual Basic 6.0数据库实用程序设计100例.北京:人民邮电出版社,2002

[7]高春艳,李 艳. Visual Basic数据库开发关键技术与实例应用.北京:人民邮电出版社,2004

Application and Search on Remote Monitoring Control System of Water Level Based on MCGS Configuration Software Technology

ZHANG An-ni (Shang Dong Yellow River Information Center) [Abstract]: This paper describes the main features of MCGS, Configuration process and the Application of Visual Basic in Remote Monitoring. As an example to typical water level control system, we can develop a Remote Monitoring water level control system to simulate water level and flow measurement process by using configuration software package. According to the needs of process control experiment, with MCGS configuration software, we can develop a Water level control experimental device constituted by 3 tanks, with MCGS and VB, we can achieve remote data acquisition, collect lower data with the help of Smart regulation instrument. Our experiment has confirmed its excellent Monitoring results.

Key words:MCGS;Automation control apparatus;Water level;Remote controlling;Database

0 preface

Based on industrial PC for machine control PC, and use of man-machine interface of intelligent software-MCGS configuration in the PC software on the machine-building industrial objects, on completion of the multiple PLC (machine-under) control, as the only PC Need to complete the monitoring of information collection and disposal of equipment without the need for specific control, and down-processing machine at the same time, to be at least on the management of remote monitoring equipment to provide a more intuitive, clear and accurate status information at the scene, and then For the maintenance and error diagnosis provides a wide range of possibilities to reduce the maintenance staff on the road to and from the time remote monitoring system to improve the overall speed.

Modern technology to take remote monitoring of real-time online monitoring methods, which use computer networks and communication technology, by installing a variety of on-site monitoring equipment and software in place to monitor the realization of industrial equipment at the scene of the real-time monitoring, diagnosis and control. When the system is running under the crew at the scene of the need to be someone on duty, this does not in fact real remote monitoring. To solve this

problem, through the development of text-related procedures, with the necessary hardware facilities to achieve remote monitoring, it is entirely possible to monitor the network's on-site operation. 1 MCGS industrial configuration software

MCGS is a Windows-based operating system can be used to construct the rapid generation of PC and monitor system configuration software package, which provides users with equipment from the driver, data acquisition to data processing, process control, the animation shows that the output statements, such as solving practical program of engineering problems and operational tools. MCGS configuration software with multi-tasking, multi-threaded functions, the system using the framework of VC + + programming, through the OLE technology to provide users with VB programming interface, it provides a wealth of device drivers components, animation components, the strategy component, the user may at any time to facilitate the expansion of the system.

The main feature is as follows:

(1) Wealth of device drivers, through the Active DLL device drivers articulated in the system, a simple configuration, high speed, high reliability.

(2) Strong network. MCGS powerful network functions can be TCP/IP network, 485/422/423 network, modem network together constitute a large-scale monitoring system and management system.

(3) Open the OLE interface. MCGS to OLE automation technology-based open interface allows users to expand the use of VB to the rapid establishment of a variety of device drivers components, animation and a variety of components strategy component, through the OLE interface, the user can easily customize their own specific system.

The system structure drawing: (see Figure 1) 用户窗口 主控窗口 运行策略 实时数据库 设备窗口

Fig.1 The system structure of MCGS

MCGS configuration software system configuration, including the configuration software environment and running environment,all the configuration process are in the configuration of the environment, the user can generate a configuration, \"the results of the configuration database\" file. MCGS environment is an independent operating system, in

accordance with it, \"the results of the configuration database\" in the configuration of a variety of ways to deal with, the completion of the user configuration of the design goals and features. MCGS diagram of the system as a whole:

组态环境 运行环境 动画显示 构建动画 流程控制 现场控制 组流程控制 实实态报警组态 时时软报警输出 数数 件据据核 库库组态 心设计报表 报表打印 构建动画 连接设备 设备输出 建动画 Fig.2 The overall structure of MCGS system

2 MCGS use of the establishment of procedures for the general operation of the process

(1) Start MCGS configuration environment, and establish the project. (2) To carry out equipment. Equipment is designed to achieve bit up and down machine communications, computers and intelligence to realize that a link between instrument. Equipment through the window configuration data acquisition and control output devices, device drivers registered, connected with the definition of equipment used in data-driven variable.

(3) Building a database. In the real-time database window to create a new database file. Requirements and equipment required by the same database. The definition of different types of window and the name of the variable. As data acquisition, processing, export control, and animation to connect the device driver object.

(4) To produce graphic images of the user's window to achieve. The main setting for the works in human-computer interaction interface, such

as: changes in water level generated animation display, alarm output, and curve graphs, and other data.

(5) In the main window to create a new project. Main window can be placed in a window, equipment and a number of windows users, is responsible for scheduling and management of these open or close the window. The main configuration of the operation include: the definition of the name of the project, the preparation of menu engineering, design cover graphics, determine the automatic start of the window, set the animation refresh cycle, the designated name of the database file and save-data time.

(6) The definition of animation link. Animation is a link to animation variables and the establishment of the database, the database when the variables change when the animation can be shown. That is, when the water level in the tank changes, animation can be displayed in a timely manner. (7) Running and debugging. After the above steps achieved , first check the configuration can be adopted after running into the debug environment. 3 the water level control system

The water level control system s is composed of Superior machine and intelligent instrument two parts. Superior machine is made up of four components. Real-time data acquisition, historical data records, run the animation, communications component of the state. MCGS through the device drivers for peripherals and data exchange. Including data acquisition and delivery of equipment orders. Device driver is a DLL (dynamic link library) files, device drivers included with the agreement of all kinds of communications equipment, procedures, equipment operation characteristics of the data collection come in or send out.

MCGS responsible for the running environment, call the appropriate device driver, the data will be sent to various parts of the project. The completion of the whole system of communications, relations between the equipments shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3 The diagram of water control system for water tanks The lower position unit posed by the intelligent instrument to achieve the water level of data acquisition and control. The use of intelligent instruments and RS232/RS485 PC to communicate the artificial intelligence industry regulator, the equipment and components for the operation adopted by the MCGS serial I = I meter reading and writing data. According to the practical application of the needs of the right to set the parameters of the instrument, can also be components of the equipment order to set some parameters of the instrument.

On the lower position unit bundles the composition: (see Figure 4)

水位控制系统画面 通讯状态画面 实时曲线画面 历史曲线画面 智能调节仪 液位传感仪1 液位传感仪2 电动调节阀 流量传感器1 流量传感器2 Fig.4 The structure of lower position unit and upper position unit 3.1 property

MCGS to be able to operate the smart meters, set up the first components of the attributes:

(1) The instrument address, Addr instrumentation and parameters must be set up in line.

(2) To set up the instrument's input range.

(3) To set the SV value of the instruments the way, do not set the value of SV said that the value of read-only SV, SV value is automatically set to write that SV.

(4) To set the instrument means the value of OP, OP does not set the value of read-only, said the value of OP, OP is automatically set to write that the value of OP.

(5) To set the decimal point location data, and the instrument must be the location of the decimal point line parameters. 3.2 equipment orders

Intelligent meters can be ordered through the equipment to realize

their full communications capabilities, its command in the following form:

Read (Cmd, PV, SV.OP, dat): Read the PV value of the instrument. SV value, OP value, Dat value. Cmd order for the code. PV for the store to read the PV value of variables, SV for the store to read the SV value of the variables, OP for the storage of the OP to read the value of variables, Dat's Dat read for the storage of the value of variables, Dat value from the meaning of Cmd The value of the decision. Write (Cmd, Dat): write Dat value of the orders Instruments. Cmd order for the code, Dat to write data, Dat value the meaning of the value of a decision by the Cmd. Cmd according to the value of the test results and the demarcation of the amendment.

The Cmd value includes: SV/SteP (upper limit warning), HlAL (given value/segment), LoAI (lower limit warning), dHAL (positive deviation warning), dl AI (negative deviation warning), dF (returns to difference), CtrL (control mode), M50 (maintains parameter), P (speed parameter), t (lag parameter), CtI (control period), Sn (input specification), diP (placement of the decimal point), dlL (lower limit demonstration value), dIH (upper limit demonstration value), CJC (cold end compensation), Sc (sensor revision), oP1 (output mode), (oPl output lower limit), oPH (Output upper limit), CF (system function choice), Baud (baudrate/program run control word), Addr (mailing address), d1 (digital filtering), run (operational factor), Loc (parameter blockade) and so on. 3.3 Implementation of the equipment order

MCGS running the operation of equipment components of the strategy to achieve the specific operation are as follows:

(1) Running a new strategy in a user policy;

(2) Strategy in the toolbox to select the operation of equipment components;

(3) The operation of equipment components in the implementation of the designated properties page to select equipment orders in the next box, enter the command input device.

That is, in the process of implementation of the script follows function SetDevice (DevName, DevOp, CmdStr): In accordance with the names of equipment to operate the equipment. 3.4 equipment debuggings

Debugging equipment in the \"debugging equipment\" Page Properties, in order to check and test module is working. In pre-commissioning, should take a good power supply module and serial communication lines, the module address, baud rate and the parameters set correctly, Addr parameters and modules have to address, serial number, baud rate, data-digit , The median-stop, must check and the father of the equipment set up, open the host to debug. (Note: for debugging communication channel status, the value of the channel shows a state of communications equipment, communications, said the success of 0, 1, said the failure of

communication. Analog input channels on debugging, the value of a channel analog input channels show the actual measurements. For Analog output channels debugging, the value of a channel input to output value.) 4 Achieve the long-distance system using VB and MCGS

Through GetValueFromName and SetValueFromName the target function can be assigned or achieved real-time data in MCGS, to establish a channel MGCS and VB, Visual Basic related to database connection problems, now commonly used in VB database access methods are two categories. One is the object interface (API), the other is the Data Control Act. The following are several of the API interface objects to achieve a comparison.

ADC superior data connectors (Advanced Data Connector), ADC is a direct access or remote access ADO through OLE DB object of a technology, it also supports the major application in Microsoft IE browser on the data binding controls ADO Active Data Objects (Active DatObjects),ADO designed to be a very simple format, with the approach adopted by the ODBC database interface. You can use any ODBC data source.That is not only suitable for SQL Server, Oracle, Access database, and other applications, but also suitable for Excel spreadsheet, graphics file formats and the non-form data file.

DAO Data Access Objects (Data Access Objects) is an object-oriented interface. Through the DAO / Jet features ISAM access to the database, using the DAO / ODBC Direct functions can be remote RDO function.

Jet engine technology data connectivity (Joint Engine Technology) based on workstations through the DAO database visit mechanism. Although Access can be provided by the ODBC driver to visit Jet database, but the driver in the use of these functions are restricted.

Open ODBC database connectivity (Open Database Connectivity) recognized a relationship between the data source interface. To provide a unified interface interface, ODBC data sources were not any for optimization.

In the article, the design of the system, mainly ADO data access to achieve the target of the VB database access and manipulate. ADO system involves several common control Connection String (database connectivity), RecordSource (types of data sources), Refresh (data set), Recordset. Update (update record), and so on.

ADO control through direct connection to a public database, the database will rewrite the value of real-time delivery to the MCGS, that is, to achieve a system of remote control. \"Remote control\" from the state of the PC to control access to the scene, with the PC's value changes, state-controlled change, this time through the program will be able to operate \"electric winch\" and \"motor oil\" from the Stop, so that the realization of the PC to a remote-controlled aircraft. The relevant procedures are as follows:

Adodc1.ConnectionString=“Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\\myDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False” Adodc1.RecordSource=“select * from control” Adodc1.Refresh

Text1.Text= Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) ……………………………

Text3.Text= Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2) a)



With the continuous operation of the system must take into account the historical data, MCGS through the ODBC interface, the PC will be available historical data to back up the database server. MCGS due to the Access database to store data in history, when the large amount of historical data management is not convenient, so the database server using SQL server 2000. MCGS will back up all the historical data and guiding people SQL server2000, recovery from the SQL server2000 by beginning and ending time for the resumption of selective historical data. 5 conclusions

MCGS three water tanks used to develop the water level control system, the simulation is in the process of modern industrial production of liquid level measurement, control, to observe the changes in the characteristics of the study of the regularity of the trial process control systems, process control with a dynamic process of the general characteristics (large inertia, Delay, non-linear). After a long test, running stable, reliable and accurate data collection and analysis. Theory for process control experiments laid the foundation for the realization can also be extended to the local area network, technology and network integration, using B / S structure, the realization of a personal computer for real-time data visit to facilitate the management of monitoring data for future analysis of data related to linear and decision-making provides a reliable data support the further study of control systems for the regularity or mathematical modeling, and so on.


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and key and
