以sion后缀的单词有:allusion、animadversion、abrasion、accession、adhesion、admission、aggression、apprehension、ascension、aspersion等。 扩展资料
Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion. 她的诗随处可见晦涩的'文学典故。
Do you know the original source of this allusion? 你知道这个典故的'出处吗?
Animadversion is the most nuclear content of philosophical mode of thinking.
因此哲学实际上就是在帮助人们确立一种独特的思维方式。 Bidirectional reviewing method also plays an important role in the establishment of its theoretical system and social animadversion.
Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion. 钻石极抗磨损。
Because there is no abrasion between the concave and convex, the nut is reusable.
因为凹面与凸面没有磨损,螺母可以重复使用。 上一篇: 下一篇: ~