


词组英汉译汉(英译汉10个,汉译英5个) 第一单元 第8页 9. 伺服驱动器 servo actuator 1. processing speed处理速度 2. user-friendly interactive graphics用户友好的交互图形 3. product cycle产品周期 4. design specification设计规格 5. design evaluation设计评价 6. 计算机辅助设计CAD 7. 计算机辅助制造CAM 8. 计算机辅助工程.CAE 9. 设计过程design process 10. 制造过程production process 第二单元 第24页 1. Amplitude Modulation [AM] 调幅 2. radio frequency射频 3. ice bath冰点槽 4.be proportional to与…成比例 5.a digital display register数字显示器 6.音频麦克风audio microphone 7.接收系统receiving system 8.传输系统transmitting system 9.开关控制on-off control 10.设置温度set the temperature 第三单元 第37页 1.manual or automatic transmissions手动或自动挡 2.the interior design内部设计 3.laminated lithium-ion cells薄板锂离子电池 4.solar panel太阳能电池板 5.head and tail lamps头尾灯 6.概念车concept car 7.全景摄像头around view camera 8.测试平台test bed 9.电池组battery pack 10.转弯半径tuning circle 第四单元 第51页 1. part program零件程序 2. punched tape 穿孔纸带 3. hydraulic actuator液压制动器 4. dimensional information三维信息 5. Computer Numerical Control计算机数控 6. 电子工业协会 EIA 7. 基本长度单位 basic length-unit 8. 以…的形式in the form of

10. 步进电机stepping motor 第五单元 第66页 1. laser printers激光打印机 2. local area network局域网 3. nonvolatile memory永久性存储器 4. optical scanner光扫描仪 5. electronic circuitry电子电路 6. 调制解调器modulator-demodulator 7. 色带inked ribbon 8. 只读存储器read-only memory 9. 数码影碟digital versatile disc 10. 中央处理器 CPU(central processing unit只用回答cpu就行了) 第六单元 第83页 1. commercial transactions 商业交易 2. electronic medium电子媒介 3. communication platforms交流平台 4. after-sale service and support售后服务和支持 5. internal processes内部流程 6. 营销工具marketing tool 7. 售前信息pre-purchase information 8. 高科技(公司的)股票high-tech stocks 9. 信息技术information technology 10. 一种全新的方法/式 an entirely new way 第七单元 第99页 1. technology revolution技术革命 2. voice commands语音命令 3. cellular network蜂窝网络 4. set up temporary offices建立临时办公室 5. location-based service定位服务 6. 掌上电脑personal digital assistant 7. 投影键盘projection keyboard 8. 手机迷a phone guy 9. 豪华大屏显the luxuriously large screen 10. 智能手机 smart phones. 第八单元 第113页 1. Giant magnetoresistive effect巨磁电阻效应 2. Semiconductor lasers and LEDs半导体激 光器和发光二极管 3. National Nanotechnology Initiative (美国) 国家纳米技术计划


4. Carbon fiber reinforced plastics碳纤维增强7. 纳米技术Nanotechnology 塑料 8. 条形码阅读器barcode readers 5. rechargeable batteries充电电池 9. 固态照明装置solid-state lighting 6. 非磁性材料nonmagnetic materials 10. 锂离子电池Li-ion battery 一、 翻译句子(考5个) 第一单元 第8页

1. Today’s industries cannot survive worldwide competition unless they introduce new products with better quality(quality, Q), at lower cost(cost, C), and with shorter time delivery(delivery, D).


2. The design process starts from customers’ demands that are identified by marketing personnel and ends with a complete description of the product, usually in the form of a drawing. 设计过程始于由市场人员认定的用户需求,止于对产品的完整描述,通常用图形来表现。

3. The activities involved in the design process can be classified largely as two types: synthesis and analysis.


4. An analysis model is derived first because the analysis subprocess is applied to the model rather than the design itself


5.As illustrated in Fig1.1, the manufacturing process begins with process planning, using the drawings from the design process, and it ends with the actual products.

如图1.1所示,制造过程根据设计过程的图纸始于工艺计划,止于实际的产品。 第二单元 第25页

1. The purpose of this system is to acquire information from suitable transducers about the behavior of some physical system and to display this information to the observer.

测量系统的目的是从相应的传感器上获取某个系统的性能变化的数据,并向观测员显示该数据。 2. In measurement system, therefore, one expects to be concerned with locating and removing any small errors that might be added to the signal at each step of the processing sequence. 在测量系统中,每一个处理步骤都会将预计到的涉及查找和消除的任何小错误,添加到的信号上。 3. The third system is the feedback control system, in which information about the behavior of the output modifies the signals driving the system.


4. This familiar example, which in fact includes no electrical components other than a switch, was chosen to emphasize the feedback concept.


5. Suppose there were no mechanism for turning the furnace ON or OFF, the temperature of the room would either rise to some maximum or drop to some minimum.

假设熔炉没有开关装置,房间的温度,或者升到最高某个温度,或者降到最低的某个温度。 第三单元 第37页

1. Nissan unveiled a new city car, the Pixo and a battery-electric concept car, highlighting Nissan’s focus on electric drive for the future, the NuVu.


2. Ongoing urbanization will force a radical rethink of the types of cars driven in cities, Nissan said , if levels of personal mobility are to be retained.



3. the most important aspect of NuVu is the interior design which provides treat comfort and space in an intelligent package.


4. there are two pedals for stop and go and a digital instrument panel with dials for speed , distance covered and battery capacity.


5. with its lightweight construction, Pixo produces CO2 emissions as low as 103 g/km with fuel consumption of 4.6 L/100km on the combined cycle (NEDC)


第四单元 第51页

1. In a typical NC system the numerical data which is required for producing a part is maintained on a punched tape and is called the part program.


2. Compared with a conventional machine tool, the NC system replaces the manual actions of the operator.


3. Part programmers must be familiar with the function of NC machine tools and machining processes, and have to decide on the optimal sequence of operations.


4. The DNC is the advanced technologies in manufacturing, which includes the numerical control, communication, computer network and database.

DNC技术是目前制造业的先进技术 ,是数控技术、通信技术、计算机网络和数据库等技术的综合应用。

5. The driving device may be a DC motor, a hydraulic actuator, or a stepping motor. The type selected is determined mainly by the power requirements of the machine.该驱动装置可能是一个直流电动机,液压致动器,或步进电机。对驱动装置类型的选择主要取决于机器对电源的要求。 第五单元 第67页

1. A joystick is a pointing device composed of a lever that moves in multiple directions to navigate a cursor or other graphical object on a computer screen. 鼠标是一个由手握住控制的定点装置。 操纵杆(摇杆)是一个由杠杆构成的定点装置, 它在电脑屏幕上可多个方向移动操控光标或者其它的图像。

2. A network interface card (NIC) allows the computer to access a local area network (LAN) through either a specialized cable similar to a telephone line or through a wireless (Wi-Fi) connection 网络接口卡使得计算机通过类似于电话线的专门的电缆或者无线连接接入局域网。

3.A CRT-based screen, or monitor, looks similar to a television set. Information from the CPU is displayed using a beam of electrons that scans a phosphorescent surface that emits light and creates images.

阴极射线管,或者检测器,看起来和电视机很象。通过使用一束光电子扫描磷光表 面放射出光线, 形成图像将中央处理器的信息显示在显示器上。

4.Read-only memory (ROM) contains critical information and software that must be permanently available for computer operation, such as the operating system that directs the computer's actions from start up to shut down.



5. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly. Floppy disks store less information than a hard disk drive and retrieve the information at a much slower rate.

作为永久的计算机部件,硬盘驱动一般可以存储大量信息,同时检索资料的速度也非常快。相比之下,软盘存储较少的信息, 检索速度也较慢。 第六单元 第83页

1. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) will be defined here as the sale of goods and services and the transfer of funds or authorization of payment through a Website. 本文将电子商贸定义为通过网站进行货物和服务的销售、资金的转移和支付授权。

2. IBM defines e-business as “the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.”


3. The Internet and e-commerce impact at different levels and therefore must be understood at diverse dimension.


4. Internet entrepreneurs who can take advantage of network benefits only when enough prospective customers and suppliers are online.


5. Studies show that the most important use of the Internet in developing countries is limited to e-mail services——rather than World Wide Web services——which require minimal time online. 研究表明互联网在发展中国家最重要的用途是E-mail(而不是万维网),而这只需要很少的在线时间。

第七单元 第100页

1.As our phones get smarter, smaller and faster and enable users to connect at high speeds to the Internet, an obvious question arises:Is the mobile handset turning into the next computer?


2. With this capability, phones will soon be able to provide precise driving directions, serve up discounts for stores as you walk by them and expand dating services.


3. Telecommunications are the transmission of words , sounds, images, or data in the form of electronic or electromagnetic signals or impulses .


4.Innovation in the mobile industry is full of zigzags and wrong turns, often because no single company completely controls the device in your pocket.这个行业里的创新充满了曲折和失误,其原因是常常由于没有任何一家公司能完全控制这一产品。

5.Scientists are continuing decades of research /have continuously been researching into speech- recognition systems for decades and have recently introduced the technology into

PDAs.科学家已经在语音识别 系统方面进行了几十年的研究,且此项研究仍在继续。最近这项技术已被引入PDA中。 第八单元 第113页

1. Thanks largely to the subsequent work of Stuart Parkin and coworkers at IBM Research, the phenomenon has been put to great effect in the read heads in hard disk drives.

得益于IBM研究中心的工程师斯图尔特•帕金(Stuart Parkin)及其合作伙伴的后续工作,巨磁电阻效应在硬盘设备的读取磁头中发挥了巨大作用。

2. The development of semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in 1962 is a great materials science story.



3. Nanotechnology simultaneously gained an identity, a vision, and a remarkable level of funding through the initiative. It also established a method of funding interdisciplinary science in such a way that the rest of the world would have to try to match.

与此同时,通过该发展规划,纳米技术得到业界一致认同、赢得发展市场远景并获得巨额的资金支持。也为跨学科研究资金筹集方式开辟了新的途径,世界上其它国家对此竞相模仿。 4. The development of carbon fibers, together with advances in design, modeling, and manufacturing, has given rise to composite materials with controlled, specific properties.


5. This revolution would not have been possible without a transition from rechargeable batteries using aqueous electrolytes, where H+ is the working ion, to the much higher energy densities of Li-ion batteries.


二、 课内reading A阅读(考1篇,文章略)问答题:

1. What are the advantages of using CAD, CAM, and CAE?

Reducing the time and cost of product development and production.

2. How many processes is the product cycle made of? What are they?

The product cycle is composed of two main processes:the design process and the manufacturing process

3. What are the two main activities involved in the design process?

The activities involved in the design process can be classified largely as two types:synthesis and analysis.

4. Why is rapid prototyping becoming becoming popular for constructing prototypes?

Rapid prototyping is becoming popular because this technology enables the construction of a prototype by deposition layers from the bottom to the top.

5. What should be required for the preparation of design documentation? This includes the preparation of drawings,reports,and bills of materials. 第二单元 第23页问答题:

1. How many transmitting system are there? What are they?

Three. They are an input device, processor, output device.

2. What is the function of the transmitter in an AM broadcast system?

It is to accept the input signal from an input device (microphone), use this signal to control the amplitude of a radio frequency signal (each broadcast station is assigned its own radio

frequency), and drive the output device (the antenna) with a radio frequency current to produce electromagnetic waves radiating into space.

3. What is the purpose of the measurement systems?

To acquire information from suitable transducers about the behavior of some physical system and to display this information to the observer.

4. What is the third system in the illustrative systems?

The feedback control system.

5. Please give a description of the feedback control system.

In which information about the behavior of the output modifies the signals driving the system. 第三单元 第36页问答题:

1. what kind of cars will Nissan unveil at the Paris Motor Show this year?

Nissan will unveil a new city car , the Pixo and a battery-electric concept car, highlighting Nissan’s focus on electric drive for the future, the NuVu.


2. What types of transmission does the Pixo provide?

Pixo is available with manual or automatic transmissions. 3. When will the sales of Pixo start?

Sales start from late spring 2009.

4. What kind of battery pack does NuVu use?

The NuVu battery pack uses new laminated lithium-ion cells with a capacity of 140 wh/kg5.(5表示5次方写在右上角)

5. Why are there no door mirrors in NuVu?

Because there are two small cameras-as monitors for the Around View Camera which give a birds eye view of the car when maneuvering or parking. 第四单元 第50页问答题:

1. What is the definition of NC equipment given by the Electronic Industries Association?

NC has been defined by the Electronic Industries Association as “ A system in which actions are controlled by the direct insertion of numerical data at some point. The system must automatically interpret at least some portion of this data.” 2. What are essential qualifications of a good NC operator?

Intelligence, clear thinking, and especially good judgment are essential qualifications of a good NC operator.

3. What is the driving device of NC machine tool?

The driving device may be a DC motor, a hydraulic actuator, or a stepping motor. 4. What are differences between conventional machine tool and NC machine tool?

Compared with a conventional machine tool, the NC system replaces the manual actions of the operator.

5. Why Mylar (or polyester) tapes became popular? Because of their high durability and quality. 问答题:

1. What is the function of these components of computer hardware typically divided into?

The function of computer hardware components is typically divided into three main categories: input, output, and storage.

2. What devices does computer input hardware consist of in the text?

They are: a light pen, a mouse, a joystick, a keyboard, touch-screen displays, an optical

scanner, a microphone, a voice recognition module, a modem, a network interface card (NIC).

3. Why is random access memory (RAM) known as volatile memory?

RAM is also known as volatile memory because the information within the computer chips is lost when power to the computer is turned off.

4. Why is flash memory now very popular in portable devices?

Flash memory is now very popular in portable devices with its high capacity, fast read/write speed, portability, convenient application and kinetic shock resistance, etc.

5. What’s the main difference between input hardware and output hardware in function?

Input hardware consists of external devices—that provide information and instructions to the computer; output hardware consists of internal and external devices that transfer information from the computer’s CPU to the computer user. 第六单元 第81页问答题:

1. According to the author, how to realize e-business?

E-business is the application of Internet technologies to business processes./ E-business is taken as the extension of business on to the Internet. (Para. 1& Para. 6) 2. What is the relationship between e-commerce and e-business?

E-commerce is a subset of e-business, because the sales function is just one of the key business processes a commercial enterprise supports. (Background Information)


3. Why is it important to elaborate on the definitions of e-commerce and e-business, according to the author?

Because it will help determine the scope and perspective of this analytical paper. (Para. 1) 4. How is E-commerce categorized?

E-commerce is seen as being B2C (business to consumer), B2B (business to business) and B2G (business to government). (Para. 2) 5. What is an e-enterprise?

An e-enterprise is defined as an enterprise prepared to conduct commerce in this new economy. (Para. 4) 8问答题:

1. How do technological revolutions happen and what’s the result?

They appear in both fast and slow flavors. The emergence of them has changed our cultural background and the way we live and work.

2. What is Jeff Hawkins’s idea about coming innovation?

Your phones would possess all the features of the computers and it seems that you are going to have the equivalent of a computer in your pocket. 3. What is the new technology applied into PDA?

Speech-recognition systems.

4. What are the problems the experts are faced with?

At present stage, our phones don’t have enough processing power for speech recognition. 5. Why do we say that the mobile industry is full of zigzags and wrong turns?

Because the phone world has no open and single set of protocols for programmers to build around. 8问答题:

1. What do we benefit from GMR?

These devices are able to read out the information stored magnetically on a hard disk through changes in electrical current. 2. What impact has the NNI had?

The NNI has had an immense impact. It cemented the importance and promise of a nascent, emerging field, establishing it immediately as the most exciting area in the whole of the physical sciences.

3. What do you learn about NNI research in terms of cost?

The cost was enormous. The global nano-related R&D budget was in excess of $12 billion in 2007.

4. What is particular about the carbon fiber reinforced plastics?

These materials bond extremely stiff, high-strength carbon fibers into a polymer matrix to give a combined material that is also exceptionally tough and light in weight. 5. In what way are Li-ion batteries different from other traditional batteries?

Li-ion batteries do not need a transition from rechargeable batteries using aqueous electrolytes, where H+ is the working ion

