


  Window of the world is located in Shennan Avenue, shenzhenwan community,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. It is a famous miniature scenic spot in China(similar to Beijing World Park). With the purpose of promoting world culture, itis a man-made theme park integrating world wonders, historical sites, ancientand modern scenic spots and folk song and dance performances. Each scenic spotin the park is imitated according to different proportions. The park is dividedinto eight theme areas: World Square, Asia, America, Africa, Oceania, Europe,sculpture garden and international street, displaying more than 100 world-famouscultural landscapes and architectural wonders, including the Eiffel Tower inFrance, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, theTaj Mahal in India and the pyramids in Egypt. All the scenic spots in the parkare freely imitated according to different proportions. They are exquisite,unique and lifelike. Each scenic spot in the window of the world is a solidifiedsymphonic poem, while those colorful folk performances are lively and vivid folkpaintings.

  Shenzhen Window of the world is a large cultural tourist attraction locatedin the overseas Chinese town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, GuangdongProvince, China. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Shenzhen.The window of the world cultural tourist attraction in Shenzhen covers an areaof 480000 square meters. It is a collection of world wonders, natural scenery,folk customs, folk songs and dances, and represents a wonderful world. The worldsquare, the world sculpture garden, the spring shopping street in Paris and theJurassic world together constitute an amazing man-made theme park.

  Shenzhen Window of the world is located in Shennan Avenue, shenzhenwancommunity, Nanshan District. With the purpose of promoting world culture, itbrings together world wonders, historical sites, ancient and modern scenic spotsand folk song and dance performances to create a wonderful world. Divided byfive continents, the window of the world scenic area, together with the worldsquare, the world sculpture garden, the international street and the Jurassicheaven and earth, forms an amazing man-made theme park.

  The window of the world in Shenzhen includes the world famous landscapessuch as Egyptian pyramid, Amun temple, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Grand Canyon ofthe United States, triumphal arch of lion in Paris, St. Peter's Cathedral inVatican, Taj Mahal in India, Sydney Opera House in Australia, leaning tower ofPisa in Italy, etc. These scenic spots are built in different proportions of1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, which are exquisite and lifelike. Some scenic spots are veryspectacular. For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, which has shrunk to onethird of the total, stands 108 meters high. Visitors can take the sightseeingelevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.The narrow Niagara Falls are more than 80 meters wide, with a drop of more than10 meters. The water is rushing and roaring, which is huge. The volcano ofHawaii and the 100 meter fountain that spews magma make tourists marvel. As theactivity center of the scenic spot, the world square can accommodate more thanten thousand tourists. On the front of the square are ten world-famoussculptures. Around the square stand 108 large stone columns of different stylesand nearly two thousand square meters of relief walls. There are also six hugedoors and a gorgeous dance stage, which symbolize the birthplace of the world'sancient civilization. Artists from all over the world will perform wonderfulprograms to let tourists enjoy the cultural and artistic atmosphere enjoyyourself. In a rich lychee garden, there are more than 50 world-famoussculptures, such as "John Strauss monument", "discus thrower", "Apollo Sun God","thinker", etc. The scenic area has complete transportation facilities,including elevated monorail tour bus, tour bus, ancient European carriage, gypsycaravan, old car, single paddle wooden boat and rubber raft, providing touristswith a variety of interesting viewing facilities.

  The window of the world is adjacent to "Splendid China" and "Chinese folkculture village", covering an area of 480000 square meters. It is anotherlarge-scale cultural tourist attraction created by Hong Kong CTS group inShenzhen Oct. The park brings together world wonders, historical sites, ancientand modern scenic spots, natural scenery, folk houses, sculptures, paintings,folk customs, folk song and dance performances to recreate a wonderfulworld.

  According to the world geographical structure and tour activities, thescenic spot is divided into nine major scenic spots: World Square, Asia,Oceania, Europe, Africa, America, modern science and technology entertainmentarea, world sculpture garden and international street, with 118 scenic spotsbuilt in. These include the world-famous landscapes such as the pyramids ofEgypt, the temple of Amun, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Grand Canyon of theUnited States, the triumphal arch of the lion in Paris, St. Peter's Cathedral inVatican, Taj Mahal in India, Sydney Opera House in Australia, leaning tower ofPisa in Italy, etc. These scenic spots are imitated in different proportions of1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, which are exquisite and lifelike. Some scenic spots are veryspectacular. For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, which has shrunk to onethird of the total, is 108 meters high and towering. Visitors can take thesightseeing elevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of Shenzhenand Hong Kong. The narrow Niagara Falls are more than 80 meters wide, with adrop of more than 10 meters. The water is flowing down and roaring. The volcanoof Hawaii and the 100 meter fountain, which spew magma, make touristsmarvel.

  The scenic area has complete transportation facilities, including elevatedmonorail tour bus, tour bus, ancient European carriage, gypsy caravan, old car,single paddle wooden boat and rubber raft, providing tourists with a variety ofinteresting viewing facilities. International Street business service area, withEuropean, Asian, Islamic and other residential architectural style as the mainbody, integrates church, market and street in one place, is a place for touriststo rest and shopping. Here you can taste the different flavors of French,Italian, Austrian, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Korean, German beer and Hawaiian icecream. It also collects exquisite handicrafts and tourist souvenirs from allover the world for tourists to buy. When night falls and the lights are on,another kind of charming exotic atmosphere is displayed in the scenic area. The"Carnival Night" Art Tour, which is composed of the world's folk songs anddances and folk programs, has pushed the activities of sightseeing in the scenicarea into a boom.

  The window of the world is the window of world history, world civilizationand world tourism.
