Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in theworld-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north watertransfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD.Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to "givepriority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously" strategic planning,with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity,investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a gradescenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in "water culture and Buddhismculture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture" as the main content,set "ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature", asone of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land.
Danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is composed of six into Dansmall island in the river's lake, covers an area of 10.8 square kilometers. Onthe island of flowers, pine and cypress, pine needles to shop; Thousands ofhectares of clear water in the lake, wide, tianshui color; Surrounded by hills,qunfeng stands, thrilling spectacle. Scenic area is set in danjiangkouhydroelectric xiushui to xichuan as the base of sincere history and culture, theenvironment and the planning and design institute of henan university planningand design, on the basis of complement, perfect for many times, connotation isrich, interesting rhyme stack. Built the history museum, business wizards fan lichu culture museum, memorial hall, the central plains of south-to-north watertransfer project in three sides ChengShiGuan audio and video, goddess of mercytemple, fly jiang bridge, turtle life of waterfalls, strange stone men, zodiacgallery, bono, Lin Lin square god beast, the dragon born nine children,thousands of meters along the promenade, botanical garden, Chinese traditionalmedicine water entertainment city (including swimming, drifting, sunshine beach,water chess, watch fish fishing) fine attractions, such as supporting theconstruction of the multiple large parking lot, cultural square, touristreception center, equipped with luxury cruise ships, sightseeing car, such ashigh-grade services. Improve the occasion, natural tiancheng, attracted a largenumber of tourists from home and abroad, tourism has become the central plains,leaping a shinning pearl, known as a precious name card of tourism of henanprovince.
Water culture Danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir has more than 800 squarekilometers, the lake boasts the first library in Asia, its first performance inwater quality and crisp, sweet, and so has become the main water source ofsouth-to-north water transfer, formed the fly jiang bridge, at the center of thewater level along the river corridor, artificial waterfalls, he asserts, allkinds of yacht, seaplanes, danjiangkou hydroelectric fish feast of many colorfulwater world. Buddha culture Zhongyuan ancient temple incense, yan temple next tothe danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir in the central plains, one of four bigacquainting the temple remaining, danjiangkou hydroelectric estates will assumetemple of healing, and built the temple museum of art and Asia's second-largestshengshi guanyin of the central plains, is the preparation of the goddess ofmercy will be divided into three parts: guanyin theme, guanyin, the goddess ofmercy temple square. Guanyin theme part modelling unique, using modern sound andlight comprehensive technology, the invention. Medallion, guan Yin isaccompanied by music fountain, the rising new interpretation of the mysteriousbuddhist culture. To further enrich the danjiangkou hydroelectric gardendistrict strong cultural atmosphere. Medicine culture Dan river stretch aroundthe castle peak is eight hundred in the funiu, mild climate, rich Chinese herbalmedicine resources, natural pharmacy.
Danjiangkou hydroelectric estates on the basis of the original naturalherbal opened nearly ten thousand mu of Chinese herbal medicine base, planting avariety of Chinese herbal medicine plants, as well as ornamental and medicinal,give full play to the natural resources, but also protect the soil andvegetation. On the base of Chinese herbal medicine is also set up who temple, lishizhen as architectural sculpture, and to show all previous dynasties Chinesemedicine celebrity deeds, built the national culture of rare traditional Chinesemedicine. Chu culture Xichuan danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir is the capitalof chu period in danyang, the birthplace of chu culture. For the reproduction ofthe chu culture style, full display source of south-to-north water transferproject history culture and classics, danjiangkou hydroelectric garden set upChuFeng, danyang floor and related cultural attractions, historical celebrities,cultural origin. Visitors at the time of return to nature, and fully experiencethe unique flavor of cultural tourism and fun. ShangSheng fan li shang cultureand generation. After the prime minister chu, profession, official business,also achievement generation, rich. Its original business is still shining withthe light of truth, is the ancestor of the market economy. He proposed a"business 18" and related still has realistic guiding significance to thebusiness philosophy, praised by many businessmen scholars and research. Fan Ligeof danjiangkou hydroelectric garden planning and relevant construction aims toprovide visitors with cultural tourism at the same time, spread ShangSheng fanli business style, to carry forward, achievement more tycoons.