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三分钟的英语演讲稿 篇4

2024-07-16 来源:飒榕旅游知识分享网

  A Dinosaur for Christmas

  A dinosaur for Christmas

  is the only thing I need.

  It doesn't matter if it's slow

  or one that's built for speed.

  A massive one, a tiny one

  or one that's in between.

  A dinosaur that's muddy brown

  or bright and shiny green.

  I don't care if it's big and tall

  or really old and ugly.

  I don't care if it's rough and tough

  or soft and cute and snuggly.

  A spiny one will do the trick.

  A scaly one is fine.

  As long as it's a living, breathing dinosaur,

  and mine.

  I promise if you bring me one

  I'll never ask for more,

  That's all I want for Christmas:

  just one single dinosaur.
