ungraded的读音是:英[ʌn''gredɪd]。ungraded的例句是We confirm having sold you metric tons of groundnuts, hand-picked, shelled and ungraded.兹确认卖给你方手捡、去壳不分等级的花生五十公吨。There will be ungraded problems, one graded problem set, an in-class midterm exam, and a final research paper.课堂上有不计分的问题讨论,一次计分的问题题组,还有一次期中考及期末报告。If a restaurant doesn't earn an a during its first inspection, it's considered scored but ungraded and a Health Department official will show up unannounced to re-inspect and possibly award a grade.如果一家餐馆不能在第一次检查时拿到A级,卫生署只会打分却不会分级,以后卫生署的检查员会在没有事前通知的情况下再度检查,然后以此为基础对餐馆进行分级。ungraded【近义词】unordered无序的。
We confirm having sold you 50 metric tons of groundnuts, hand-picked, shelled and ungraded.
There will be ungraded problems, one graded problem set, an in-class midterm exam, and a final research paper.
If a restaurant doesn't earn an a during its first inspection, it's considered scored but ungraded and a Health Department official will show up unannounced to re-inspect and possibly award a grade.
unban、UN、unprovoked military aggression、Unmanned combat aerial vehicle、unbalanced class of procedures、unclassified geometric attacks、uncompensated open loop system、unconstrained continued method、undifferentiated schizophrenia、unconstitutional review system、Untrammeled by worldly affairs、unbalance of supply and demand