造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【strike up造句】内容,供您参考。
1、To help, think of a few topics or questions before the party that you can use to strike up a conversation with someone new.(为了能有帮助,在派对之前想一些话题或者问题,你可以用他们来和新认识的人交谈。)
2、The two strike up a unique friendship, even as a string of murders in their small town threaten to tear them apart.(尽管小镇上发生的一连串谋杀可能让他们分开,两人仍然建立起一段特殊的友谊。)
3、Other people show up and strike up a conversation with someone in the room, or me or the staff, " he says.(有的人到场之后,则会与房间里的其他人,或者跟我或公司的员工攀谈。)
4、He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.(他爱和根本不相识的人攀谈。)
5、From time to time I tried to strike up conversations with ordinary citizens, people with whom meetings had not been arranged.(我不断试着与普通市民交流,我要的是既定安排之外的接触。)
6、strike up the drum and march courageously.(敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。)
7、Saunders: When did you then strike up this friendship that Leonard Cohen describes in song?(桑德斯:你是什么时候开始歌中描述的和莱纳德·科恩的这份友情哪?)
8、strike up a conversation with a Parisian. This isn't always easy, though.(找一个巴黎人展开一段会话,但这也不太容易。)
9、Check out their websites -even strike up a conversation with the author if you feel like it.(去作者的站点看看,甚至你还可能和作者聊上一聊。)
10、Before they arrive, Edward's family and Jacob's lupine tribe strike up a temporary alliance to keep Bella safe.(在他们抵达之前,爱德华的家人和雅各布的狼族达成了临时同盟,保护贝拉的安全。)
11、strike up conversations with strangers.(主动与陌生人聊天。)
12、I find it enough work to strike up an engaging conversation without trying to calculate the moment to snap a photograph.(我觉得在不去计算拍照片时机的情况下,进行一次和谐的交谈有许多工作要做。)
13、I know I know, I strike up the band.(我知道了,我会指挥乐队的。)
14、I hope you will strike up a lasting friendship.(我希望你们将建立起永久的友谊。)
15、The mere subject of the book or magazine might help strike up a conversation.(哪怕是关于书本或杂志的微小话题,就可能帮助大家打开话匣子。)
16、People strike up conversations with people they don't know all the time as well.(人们也都一直在互相不了解的情况下开始聊天。)
17、You probably didn't notice much because in astrology, like in life, you need two in conversation to strike up some action.(你可能没有注意到这点,因为星座同生活相连,你需要两次谈话采取一些行动。)
18、strike up a non-work conversation.(发起一段与工作无关的对话。)
19、go for a walk outside and strike up a conversation with a neighbor.(去外面走走,主动向你的邻居发起一次谈话。)
20、C. I'm usually the first person to strike up a conversation with strangers.(我通常是最先与陌生人攀谈的人。)
21、You want to catch her with her guard down and that requires that she stop sizing you up when you strike up a conversation.(你想使她放松警惕抓住她。那就要求你去搭讪时,她停止品评你。)
22、You can strike up a conversation with people by talking about the weather.(你可以从谈论天气与人打开话题。)
23、strike up a conversation with the group and brainstorm ideas for new family tradition.(与大家聊一聊,为新的家庭传统发起头脑风暴。)
24、I find it difficult to strike up a conversation with a stranger.(我觉得和陌生人搭讪攀谈很难。)
25、strike up the band!(乐队开始演奏。)
26、Her death didn't strike up too many headlines, but the legal battle over her will certainly has.(她的去世并没有登上太多的报纸头条,但是对于她的遗愿的官司让人震惊。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。