造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【sign off造句】内容,供您参考。
1、When managing the project you may want to use your mail database to track correspondence and to manage sign off.(在管理项目时,可能需要使用邮件数据库跟踪信件往来并管理退出。)
2、Iteration T1 then allowed subject matter experts to conduct user acceptance testing and sign off on the system before it was released into production.(迭代t1允许主题专家在产品向生产发布之前,在系统上实施用户体验测试并且停止活动。)
3、Countries that need to sign off stretch from Australia to Ukraine, Porsche spokesman Frank Scholtys said today.(需要签字同意的国家从澳大利亚一直到乌克兰,保时捷发言人FrankScholtys今天表示。)
4、The Eurogroup is due to sign off this increase on Tuesday but has been warned that overseas investors have no appetite for boosting its funds.(欧元区国家将在周二签署增资协议,但是看来海外投资人对于这个计划不是很感兴趣。)
5、He says he told them he was no longer willing to sign off on such work, leading to arguments between Bentu and his managers.(他说老板告诉他们他再也不愿签订这些导致本图和经理们争论的工作了。)
6、It's also important to get customers to sign off on the final versions of those views so that you aren't chasing a moving target.(让客户确认这些视图的最终版本也很重要,这可以避免使您所追逐的目标不断发生变化。)
7、"No other examiner I know would sign off on it," he said.(“我知道没有那个鉴定师会认同这个,”他说。)
8、Tip 3: Have customers sign off on all input and output forms.(技巧3:让客户确认所有的输入输出表单。)
9、Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast.(在节目结束并带我可爱的妻子去吃早餐之前,让我再最后告诉你一件事吧。)
10、Thanks in advance, but I still must sign off with(先行谢过,但我仍然必须签上这个名字)
11、People are reluctant to sign off on documents unless they are sure they are complete and accurate.(人们只有在确保文档是完整和准确的情况下才会结束文档。)
12、Only tenuously linked to any civilian institution, they are above the law and sign off on virtually all big decisions.(只要与任何文人机关扯上一点关连,他们的地位就高于法律并实际上签署所有重大决定。)
13、IT managed risk by having users sign off on a requirements document, and then controlling changes to those requirements.(IT界会让用户签订一份文档,然后来控制这些需求的变化,从而达到管理这些风险的目的。)
14、Users need a familiar mechanism to quickly supply data or sign off on documents(用户需要一种常见的机制来快速提供数据或停止文档中的操作)
15、Keep in mind that these wireframes will need to be revised before stakeholders sign off on them.(记住,这些线框在股东签名前需要修订。)
16、Obama must personally sign off on the pipeline, if it is to go ahead.(如果想推进这个项目,奥巴马必须亲自签署。)
17、Auditors also want to be reassured about refinancing prospects well before maturity dates so they can sign off on companies as going concerns.(审计师在审计报告日来到之前必须确保资金有再次流入的良好前景,使得他们能对公司持续经营的结论签字。)
18、They often said things like, "I'll sign off for now so we can proceed, but I'm not sure you captured everything."(他们经常这样说,“眼下我要签收,因为这样就可以继续往前进行,但我并不确信您已经捕获了所有需求。”)
19、Some Ph.D. students forget that a committee has to sign off on their Ph.D.(有的研究生忘记了学位委员会有权取消他们的学位。)
20、During that meeting, we were interrupted several times because Shane had to sign off on a quality check for an order.(在那次会议中,由于夏安要签署一大堆订单和文件,会议被打断了好几次。)
21、I order my small black coffee, hand the barista my debit card, grab the pen to sign off, and halt at the gratuity line.(我点了我的纯咖啡,把银行卡递给侍者,拿起钢笔签名,停在了小费那栏。)
22、Getting stakeholders to sign off on work product selections.(涉众签署工作产品的选择。)
23、He insists he will not sign off on a Lisbon treaty, which has already been ratified by the Czech parliament.(尽管《里斯本条约》已经得到捷克议会的批准,但他拒绝签字让它生效。)
24、Some customers actually use this plan to sign off on the project step by step. This plan should include.(一些客户真正使用该计划来一步步地同意项目。)
25、It can be easier to pick up overtime if you no longer have to get your manager to sign off on it.(如果加班不必非要经理签字了,就能更容易得到加班费。)
26、the way to suppress change is to write down everything at the beginning, get somebody to sign off on it, then stick to the plan.(禁止变化的方法是在一开始把所有的事情写在纸上,找些人在上面签字核准,然后照这个计划执行。)
27、The Western Kentucky alumni association, like the SEIU, must sign off on any changes in rates or fees.(与SEIU一样,任何利率或收费变动必须经过西肯塔基校友会签字同意。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。