my best qualities and weakness
What are my weakness, Blind spots, and areas of improvements?" ," What are my strengths, my best qualities?", and "What can i do to be more effective, helpful, or sensitive?" Those are questions i hv been askin people for my entire life. Never once I listen wihtout agrument forming in my heart, especially when responses ain't what i'm expected. Excuses myself from those comments i asked for. N I never once get to improve myself cause of that.
It would be best if I listen to responses carefully, especially if they are not what i want to hear: don't agrue, Justify, or explain. It's the best not to comment at all: JUST LISTEN. I find the way to improve so those things i would not want to hear would not again be repeated by any other person, including those who said at first. IT's my mistake... so i would like to share with y'all. Learn from my stupidity everyone ... :) n y'all will reach excellency.