Guest: Hello. My name is Tang. I’ve just arrived from the UK. (你好,我叫唐,刚从英国到这里。)
Receptionist: Good morning, Sir. Do you have a reservation? (早上好,先生。您有预订吗?)
Guest: Yes. (有预订。)
Receptionist: Could you tell me your full name, please?(您能告诉我您的全名吗?)
Guest: Jimmy Tang. (吉米•唐)
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Tang….Yes, we have your reservation. You reserved a standard single room, didn’t you? (谢谢您,唐先生。是的,您在我们酒店有预订,订的是一个单人标间,对吗?)
Guest: Yes, that’s right. (是的)
Receptionist: How long will you be staying, Mr. Tang? (唐先生,请问您要住几天?)
Guest: Just one night. I’ll fly to America tomorrow. (就一个晚上,我明天就要飞往美国。)
Receptionist: I see. And how will you be paying? (我知道了。请问您要如何支付?)
Guest: With a traveler’s check. Is that OK? (用旅行支票可以吗?)
Receptionist: Yes, that’s fine. (好的,没问题。)
How long will you be staying?
How will you be paying?
How long will you stay?
How will you pay?
Guest: Good evening. My name is Jennifer Thomson. I’ve just arrived from Canada. (晚上好,我叫詹妮弗•汤姆森,刚从加拿大过来。)
Receptionist: Welcome to our hotel, Ms. Thomson. Are you on holiday? (欢迎入住我们的酒店,汤姆森女士,您是来度假吗?)
Guest: No, on business. (不,我是出差。)
Receptionist: I see, and how long will you be staying? (我知道了。请问您要住多久呢?)
Guest: My reservation is for a week in a standard room. (我预订了一个星期的标间。)
Receptionist: Thanks you, Ms. Thomson. And how will you be paying? (谢谢您,汤姆森女士。请问您打算怎么付款呢?)
Guest: By company credit card. (用公司的信用卡。)
看完上面这两个场景对话,相信读者朋友应该能更加深刻地理解will be doing用于“礼貌询问”这一重要思维的表达方式了。
以上三个场景中的will be doing都是出现在服务人员向顾客询问信息的场景中。当然,这种礼貌询问的表达方式不只是出现在公司客户之间,它同样适用于陌生人之间的询问与关心。
在《新概念英语》第2册第40课的一篇文章中就很好地体现了will be doing用于陌生人之间的礼貌询问。这篇文章题目是“Food and Talk”(进餐与交谈)。作者向我们讲述了自己在一次宴会上的尴尬经历:
Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation.
“A new play is coming to ‘The Globe’ soon,” I said. “Will you be seeing it?”
“No,” she answered.
“Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?” I asked.
“No,” she answered.
“Will you be staying in England?” I asked.
“No,” she answered.
In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.
“Young man,” she answered, “If you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!”
我们注意到,作者在询问Mrs. Rumbold时,所使用句子的谓语都采用了will be doing将来进行时态这样的表达:
Will you be seeing it?
Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?
Will you be staying in England?
原因很简单,因为作者和Mrs. Rumbold是第一次见面,彼此还是很陌生。既然彼此不熟悉,所以作者问起来格外小心谨慎,以免显得自己粗鲁,于是他都用了will be doing的形式来提问,显得非常礼貌和谨慎。但是不幸的是,作者最后还是碰了一鼻子灰!
从上面的分析中,我们看到will be doing用在疑问句中,可以使我们的提问显得非常委婉和礼貌。这种礼貌提问方式常出现在服务员与顾客之间,以及陌生人之间。当然,在其他场合也同样适用。比如,一位演员在问及导演有关角色分配时,他是这样礼貌提问的:
Who will I be acting with?
这里他同样用了礼貌的提问形式will be acting,表示自己只是在客观打听事实,而不是自己要干涉导演的安排,因而这样的询问显得委婉礼貌。
为了让读者更好地了解will be doing在礼貌提问方面的妙用,我们下面把它和一般将来时作一个比较。请看例句:
a. When will you pay back the money?
b. When will you be paying back the money?
这里a句、b句用不同的谓语形式来提问,给听话人完全不同的感觉。句a用了will pay则显得语气比较强硬,似乎是在粗鲁地讨债,因此我们可以译成“你什么时候才能还这钱?”。相比较而言,b句用了will be paying则较为圆滑,说话人暗示欠债还钱是某种“当然”的事情,并且听起来语气委婉,不像will pay那么生硬,而是具有一种商量的口吻。因此,我们可以译成“这钱你什么时候能还一下呢?”。
上面我们讨论的是will be doing用在疑问句中,表示客气的询问。但我们也要注意,这并不是说以后我们就不用will do来提问了,而一律用will be doing代替will do来提问。前面我们说过,will do往往带有各种感*彩,比如表达“请求”,此时我们就得用will do,而一般不用will be doing。比如“你能借我10块钱吗?”这句话,一般不说:
Will you be lending me ten dollars?(×)
Will you lend me ten dollars?
所以,如果我们是要客观地询问事实,则宜用will be doing来提问,而若是其他语气比如请求、命令等,我们则用will do来提问。我们再看下列这对句子:
a. Will you be staying in this evening?
b. Will you stay in this evening?
a句用will be doing是表示礼貌地、客观地询问,只想了解对方今晚打算,并没有干涉的意思。所以我们可译成“今晚你不出去吧?”。
b句用will do,含有感*彩,如请求、指示或命令。所以这句话可以根据说话者的语气译成“今晚你别出去了,好吗?”(请求),或者“今晚你不要再出门了行不行?!”(命令)。
综上所述,will be doing这种“委婉询问”的用法与其说是一种习惯,倒不如说是英语的一种思维表达。正如我一直以来多次强调的,英语语法,尤其是有关动词的“3时4态”用法,绝不是一种死的规则,而是一种活的思维。所以对于将来进行时的这种用法,我们在平时的学习过程中,要根据具体语境,细细品味,方能植入我们的思维,进而遇到相关对话语境时才能脱口而出。我们看到,will be doing这种思维表达形式在口语中日渐盛行,能否很好地灵活运用,可以说在一定程度上反映了用语者的英文思维和口语水平。
在本期中,我们重点讨论了will be doing用在疑问句中,可用来表达客观地询问事实,表示自己并不是想干涉别人的决定,因而显得礼貌、委婉的用法。但如果表达其他语气如请求、命令等,我们则用will do来提问。
1. a. Will you be bringing the piano in here?
b. Will you please bring the piano in here?
2. a. Will you be joining us for dinner?
b. Will you join us for dinner?
3. A: ____ you ____ (live) in the dormitory this year?
B: Not if I can help it. I’ve been thinking of renting an apartment off campus with some friends of mine.
4. “Is there anything more that you ____ (want) tonight, Mr. Smith?” the maid said.
1、 a句表示委婉地、客观地询问事实。可译成:你会不会把钢琴搬到这里来?
2、 a句表示委婉地、客观地询问事实。可译成:你要和我们一起吃晚饭吗?
3、 用将来进行时态Will … be living,表示委婉询问。这是一道TOEFL考试听力原文。
4、 用将来进行时态will be wanting,表示委婉询问,因为这是女仆(maid)对主人的询问,所以要显得有礼貌。
lesson 40
hostess n. 女主人
unsmiling adj. 不笑的,严肃的
tight adj. 紧身的
fix v. 凝视
globe n. 地球
despair n. 绝望
actor 男演员
actress 女演员
host 男主人
the shoes are shall/tight(夹角)
tight jeans紧身牛仔裤
fix one's eyes on sth盯着...,目不转睛
one's eyes be fixed on sth
all the eyes were fixed on the blackboard
in despair绝望的
sb./sth. is a despair of...
the boy is a despair of his parents那男孩的父母对他感到绝望了
the examination was a despair of me我对考试已经绝望了
Food and talk
Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs Rumbold.
Mrs Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even
look up when I took my seat beside her.Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a
short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation.
' A new play is coming to" The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it ?'
' No,' she answered.'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year ?' I asked.
' No,' she answered.' Will you be staying in England?' I asked.
' No,' she answered.In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.
' Young man,' she answered,' if you ate more and talked less, we would both
enjoy our dinner !'
ask sb to do sth祈使句
next to:与......相邻sit next to me 座我旁边
the film will be on那部电影即将要上映
if you ate more and talked less,we would both enjoy our dinner
if it rained,it would not be hot如果下雨,就不会这么热
if you help me,i will be grateful如果你帮我,我会感激你
if you helped me,i would be grateful如果你帮了我,我会感激你
key structures
special difficulties
make progress取得进步
do business做生意
do one's best
make the bed 铺床
do some shopping
make a speech
make ... mistake
make up one's mind
do one's homework
do ... a favour
do ... job
do ... work
do exercise
make ... promise
make conversation
1、she not only resused to answer question but
she did not ask any question either
but...as well 可以加肯定也可以加否定
multiple choices
5、sit down
seat yourself be seated
sit 是主动,没有被动语态,后面不能加宾语
glance at:扫了一眼
stare at:盯着看
stuck to:粘在...上面
look at,see,watch (看活动的),
fix one's eyes on=stare at
i glanced at it but i didn't pick it up
glimpse of have a glimpse of:瞥了一眼
sight catch sight of看见
i can catch sight of the birds
be in sight
read loudly,read aloud大声朗读,汉语中的读
从头来看-look at go through:浏览
12、enjoy sth:表示在后者当中得到了一种享受
sth amuse/entertain sb
enjoy 主语是人 enjoy oneself amuse,entertain后面会加人